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Eugenio Oñate's Journal Papers is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the scientific papers published on i[...]

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Eugenio Oñate's Monographs is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating [...]


Eugenio Oñate's Research Reports is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the research reports written by prof Eugenio Oñate.


This collection is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating pre-prints, open access papers and other relevant documents published in the field of computational methods in naval architecture and offshore engineering.

Some of the areas covered [...]


PARTICLES 2019 ( will address both the fundamental basis and the applicability of state-of-the-art particle-based computational [...]


The objectives of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019 ( [...]


The objectives of the XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS 2019, [...]



Please note that new submissions after 12 July 2024 shall be submitted through the new submission system by clicking “Submit a Paper” on journal's homepage. Submissions before [...]

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Documents published in Scipedia

  • (2010). Computer Methods in Mechanics, M. Kuzma, K. Wilmanski (Eds.), Chapter 15, pp. 271-310., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg

    We present some developments in the formulation of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for analysis of complex coupled problems in fluid and solid mechanics accounting [...]

  • E. Oñate, B. Suarez, J. Canet
    (2007). Avances en Mecánica de Medios Continuos. Simposium en honor al Profesor J. A. Garrido García. E. Alarcon, A. Forces, F. París (Eds.), pp. 195-210

    Se presenta un resumen de las posibilidades de diversos métodos numéricos basados en la combinación de técnicas de elementos finitos y de partículas [...]

  • O. Zienkiewicz, E. Oñate
    (1992). Non linear computational mechanics. State of the art. P. Wriggers,R. Wagner and E. Stein (eds.), Chapter IV, Beam, Plate and Shell Formulations, pp. 240-254, Springer Verlag

    The finite volume method appears to be a particular case of finite elements with a non Galerkin weighting. It is course less accurate for self adjoint problems but has some [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (1993). M23

    This monograph presents different finite element based mathematical models and computational methods for numerical simulation of industrial sheet metal forming processes.

  • E. Balsa, J. Mora, J. Banga, E. Oñate
    Monograph CIMNE (2003). M86

    This  monographs of proceedings includes all extended abstracts, which will be presented during the AfoT. These presentations will cover a wide range of topics: - [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (1991). M3

    Se presenta una panorámica del estado del arte de los métodos más actuales para análisis de estructuras con materiales compuestos, incidiendo particularmente [...]

  • J. Miquel, G. Bugeda, E. Oñate
    Monograph CIMNE (1991). M2

    Este trabajo analiza las posibilidades de simulación numérica del flujo aerodinámico alrededor de vehículos automotores, desde un doble punto de [...]

  • J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate, J. Helmers, M. Chakkor
    Revista de Ingeniería Naval (2004). Vol. 814, pp. 104-108

    In the present work a novel approach has been developed for the resolution of this problem of analysis of the movement of roll of a ship. The methodology used for this is [...]

  • Anales de Mecánica de Fractura (2000). Vol. 17, pp. 127-154

    El artículo es una panorámica de los aspectos teóricos y algunas aplicaciones prácticas de los modelos de fractura desarrollados por diversos grupos [...]

  • Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2017). Vol. 326, pp. 422-445

    In this paper we propose a Finite Element model for analyzing closed membranes (“bags”) interacting with internal and external (surrounding) fluids. The approach [...]



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