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Eugenio Oñate's Journal Papers is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the scientific papers published on i[...]

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Eugenio Oñate's Monographs is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating [...]


Eugenio Oñate's Research Reports is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the research reports written by prof Eugenio Oñate.


This collection is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating pre-prints, open access papers and other relevant documents published in the field of computational methods in naval architecture and offshore engineering.

Some of the areas covered [...]


PARTICLES 2019 ( will address both the fundamental basis and the applicability of state-of-the-art particle-based computational [...]


The objectives of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019 ( [...]


The objectives of the XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS 2019, [...]



RIMNI - An International Journal of Numerical Methods for Calculation and Design in Engineering (Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería) is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal, founded in 1985. RIMNI publishes [...]

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Documents published in Scipedia

  • E. Oñate, J. Castro
    (1990). The Finite Element Method in the 1990's, E. Oñate et al (Eds.), CIMNE/Springer Verlag

    In this paper some adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) strategies for finite element analysis of structural problems are discussed. Two mesh optimality criteria based on the equal [...]

  • (1988). Modelling of Metal Forming Processes, J.L. Chenot y E. Oñate (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp. 163-178

    A formal analogy between the equations of pure plastic and viscoplastic flow theory for void containing metals and those of standard non linear elasticity is presented. It [...]

  • E. Oñate, M. Manzan
    (2000). Convection Heat Transfer, B. Sundén and G. Comini (Eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom

    The accurate solution of convection type problems on practical grids has been ever a challenging issue, and invariably some sort of stabilization is needed in order to get [...]

  • (1998). New Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods in Mechanics, P. Ladeveze and J.T. Oden (Eds.), Elsevier

    In this paper the FIC method is used as the basis for a new “alpha-adaptive” procedure (where alpha denotes the stabilization parameters) for obtaining stable [...]

  • (1997). Vector and Parallel Processing - VECPAR'96, Palma J.M.L.M., Dongarra J. (eds) Vector and Parallel Processing — VECPAR'96. VECPAR Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1215, pp 258-294, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

    The paper presents an overview of the possibilities of parallel computing for the analysis of industrial forming processes using the finite element method. The theoretical [...]

  • V. Cardoso, E. Oñate, S. Botello
    Monograph CIMNE (2019). M184

    The Discrete Element Method has been used to simulate fracture dynamics beacuse its inherent capacity to reproduce multi-body interaction, but in the case of elasticity mechanics [...]

  • Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2019). Vol. 35, (4), 47

    Within this paper we discuss a numerical strategy to solve the elasticity problem upon unstructured and non conforming meshes, allowing all kinds of flat-faced elements (polygons [...]

  • (2004). Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, E. Stein, R. de Borst and T.J.R. Hughes (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Vol. 3, Chapter 18, pp. 579 - 607

    This chapter presents an overview of some computational methods for analysis of ship hydrodynamics problems. Attention is focused on the description of a stabilized finite [...]

  • (2001). Innovative Tools for Scientific Computation in Aeronautical Engineering, J. Periaux, P. Joly, O. Pironneau and E. Oñate (Eds.), pp. 208-232, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain

    A stabilized finite point method (FPM) for the meshless analysis of incompressible fluid flow problems is presented. The stabilization approach is based in the finite calculus [...]

  • (2013). Marine 2011, IV Int. Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering. Selected papers, L. Eça, E. Oñate, J. García-Espinosa, T. Kvamsdal and P. Bergan (Eds.), pp. 65-81, Springer (preprint)

    We present some developments in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for the solution of complex coupled problems in marine, naval and harbour engineering involving fluid-soil-structure [...]



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