To investigate the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and molecular signaling.
信号分子在生命过程中起着重要作用,它的传输通路对调节生理功能和病理的发展具有决定性作用。但是我们对这些通路的认识仍不全面。中医用阴阳五行来描述人体内的生理过程,但至今还没找到科学依据支持中医理论。黄帝内经认为心肝脾肺肾(五行)各有其阳阴气,并指出了每个“行”的生理功能和五行之间的相互关系。我们用迭代筛选法,将信号分子与黄帝内经所列各“行”的生理功能和相互关系一一比较,找出了五行中阳阴气与信号分子之间的直接映射,而满足这些关系的概率大概为十万分之二到百万分之一。这使我们发现阴阳五行实际上描述了人体中信号分子的传输通路,中草药的功用是调节各个信号分子。通过这一映射关系,可以清楚地看到现代医学和中医对一些疾病,如血尿、 [...]
Yang Liu
bioRxiv 129841; doi:
JC Shao, Y Liu, ZD Su
Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, 295-299, 2016
H Yang, Y Zhou, RMC So, Y Liu
Proceedings of The Royal Society A 472 (2191), 20160417, 2016
BM Xiao, L. L., Liu, Y., Chen, S., & Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 2016
J Xu, Y., Fan, S., Liu, Y., Zhou, X., Liu, X., Yang, Z., Liu, L. and Liu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016
Y Wang, S Chen, Y Liu
Computers & Fluids 134, 190-195, 2016
JY Zhao, S Chen, Y Liu
Molecular Simulation, 2016
LL Xiao, Y Liu, S Chen, BM Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 2016
Xiao, L. L., Liu, Y., Chen, S., & Fu, B. M.
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10237-016-0789-y
Xiao, L. L., Liu, Y., Chen, S., & Fu, B. M.
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 74(4), 513-525. DOI: 10.1007/s12013-016-0765-2.
Xiao, L. L., Liu, Y., Chen, S., & Fu, B. M.
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, DOI: 10.1007/s10237-016-0839-5.
XY Zhou, JL Kou, XC Nie, FM Wu, Y Liu, HJ Lu
Chinese Physics B 24 (7), 074702, 2015
MZ Lu, Y Liu, JY Ye, HY Luo
Procedia Computer Science 29, 557-564, 2014
P 1. Guo, B Cai, M Lei, Y Liu, BM Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 13, 537–550, 2014
P Guo, B Cai, M Lei, Y Liu, BM Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 13 (3), 537-550, 2014
ZG Liu, Y Liu, J Lu
Nuclear Engineering and Design 258, 1-12, 2013
X Zhou, F Wu, J Kou, X Nie, Y Liu, H Lu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (39), 11681-11686, 2013
YF Lin, K Lam, L Zou, Y Liu
Journal of fluids and structures 36, 136-148, 2013
Y Liu, J Ye, Z Liu, L Huang, H Luo, Y Li
Journal of Biomechanics 45, S1, 2012
Y Liu, J Ye, Z Liu, L Huang, H Luo, Y Li
Journal of biomechanics 45 (13), 2284-2288, 2012
BM Fu, Y Liu
Annals of biomedical engineering 40 (11), 2442-2455, 2012
K Lam, YF Lin, L Zou, Y Liu
Journal of Fluids and Structures 28, 135-151, 2012
ZG Liu, Y Liu, J Lu
Computers & Fluids 68, 192-202, 2012
WW Yan, B Cai, Y Liu, BM Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 11 (5), 641-653, 2012
H Lu, X Nie, F Wu, X Zhou, J Kou, Y Xu, Y Liu
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (17), 174511, 2012
K Lam, YF Lin, L Zou, Y Liu
Journal of Fluids and structures 28, 359-377, 2012
ZG Liu, Y Liu, J Lu
Computers & Fluids 56, 143-151, 2012
JG Shao, Y Liu, YS Xu
Advanced Materials Research 322, 61-67, 2011
W Yan, Y Liu, B Fu
Procedia Computer Science 4, 1039-1047, 2011
X Li, Y Liu, Y Xu, M Ye, F Wu
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 1 (2), 022003, 2011
L Wu, F Wu, J Kou, H Lu, Y Liu
Physical Review E 83 (6), 061913, 2011
H Shuo, L Yang, X You-Sheng
Communications in Theoretical Physics 53 (5), 952, 2010
JL Kou, JT Fan, Y Liu, FM Wu, Y Xu, H Lu
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 11 ..., 2010
Y Hong-Bing, L Yang, X You-Sheng, K Jian-Long
Communications in Theoretical Physics 54 (5), 886, 2010
WW Yan, Y Liu, BM Fu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 9 (5), 629-640, 2010
K Lam, YF Lin, L Zou, Y Liu
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 31 (1), 32-44, 2010
K Lam, YF Lin, L Zou, Y Liu
Journal of Fluids and Structures 26 (7), 1078-1097, 2010
XY Chen, Y Liu, JM Yang, JT Fan
Modern Physics Letters B 23 (03), 245-248, 2009
Y Xu, Y Liu, J Lin, F Wu
Modern Physics Letters B 23 (03), 273-276, 2009
JF Wang, Y Liu, YS Xu
Biomedical microdevices 11 (2), 351-357, 2009
XL Yang, Y Liu, JM Yang
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 25 (5), 553-563, 2009
X Yong, L De-Tang, L Yang, X You-Sheng
Chinese Physics Letters 26 (3), 034702, 2009
HY Luo, Y Liu
Journal of biomechanics 42 (12), 1869-1876, 2009
J Kou, Y Liu, F Wu, J Fan, H Lu, Y Xu
Journal of applied physics 106 (5), 054905, 2009
Y Xie, C Huang, L Zhou, Y Liu, H Huang
Composites Science and Technology 69 (13), 2108-2114, 2009
X You-Sheng, L Yang, Y Xiao-Feng, W Feng-Min
Communications in Theoretical Physics 49 (5), 1319, 2008
Y Liu
Computers & Fluids 37 (6), 724-732, 2008
YS Xu, Y Liu, XF Yang, FM Wu
Communications in Theoretical Physics 49, 1319-1322, 2008
CH Xu, XL Yang, SQ Shi, Y Liu, C Surya, CH Woo
Applied physics letters 92 (25), 253117, 2008
N Du, J Fan, S Chen, Y Liu
Journal of Theoretical biology 253 (2), 393-400, 2008
WW Yan, Y Liu, YS Xu, XL Yang
Bioresource technology 99 (7), 2156-2161, 2008
Y Xu, Y Liu, Y Xia, F Wu
Physical Review E 78 (4), 046314, 2008
HY Luo, Y Liu
Journal of Biomechanics 41 (12), 2681-2688, 2008
XL Yang, Y Liu, JM Yang
Journal of mechanical science and technology 21 (11), 1869-1875, 2007
S Chen, Y Liu, BC Khoo, XJ Fan, JT Fan
W Jin-Feng, L Yang, X You-Sheng, W Feng-Min
Chinese Physics Letters 24 (10), 2898, 2007
K Lam, T Cai, YF Lin, Y Liu
Journal of mechanical science and technology 21 (11), 1910-1917, 2007
Z Su, Y Liu, H Zhang, D Zhang
Journal of mechanical science and technology 21 (9), 1415-1424, 2007
BQ Li, Y Liu, JR Chu
Journal of mechanical science and technology 21 (9), 1408-1414, 2007
N Du, J Fan, H Wu, S Chen, Y Liu
Journal of theoretical biology 248 (4), 727-735, 2007
XL Yang, Y Liu, JM Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 40 (12), 2694-2699, 2007
HY Luo, Y Liu, XL Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 40 (14), 3096-3104, 2007
Y Liu, ZX Cui
ASME 2006 Pressure Vessels and Piping/ICPVT-11 Conference, 601-609, 2006
Y Liu, ZX Cui
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 (6), 379-389, 2006
Y Liu, RMC So, ZX Cui
Computers & fluids 35 (8), 951-956, 2006
YS Xu, Y Liu, XZ Xu, GX Huang
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153 (3), A607-A613, 2006
WW Yan, Y Liu, ZL Guo, YS Xu
International Journal of Modern Physics C 17 (06), 771-783, 2006
K Lam, GD Jiang, Y Liu, RMC So
Journal of fluids and structures 22 (8), 1113-1131, 2006
XL Yang, Y Liu, RMC So, JM Yang
Computers in biology and medicine 36 (2), 181-194, 2006
XL Yang, Y Liu, HY Luo
Journal of biomechanics 39 (15), 2743-2751, 2006
Y Xu, Y Liu, G Huang
Modern Physics Letters B 19 (28n29), 1531-1534, 2005
W Bai-Zhi, X You-Sheng, L Yang, H Guo-Xiang
Chinese Physics 14 (10), 2046, 2005
RMC So, Y Liu, ZX Cui, CH Zhang, XQ Wang
Journal of fluids and structures 20 (3), 373-402, 2005
Y Liu, RMC So, ZX Cui
Journal of fluids and structures 20 (4), 589-609, 2005
K Lam, GD Jiang, Y Liu, RMC So
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 46 (3), 289-313, 2004
X You-Sheng, L Yang, H Guo-Xiang
Chinese Physics Letters 21 (12), 2454, 2004
RMC So, Y Liu, YG Lai
Journal of fluids and structures 18 (3), 287-304, 2003
Y Liu, RMC So, CH Zhang
Journal of biomechanics 36 (7), 951-959, 2003
Z Su, Y Liu, RMC So
ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 381-390, 2002
Y Liu, RMC So, YL Lau
ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 475-482, 2002
RMC So, Y Liu, YG Lai
ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 437-444, 2002
YL Lau, RMC So, Y Liu, RCK Leung
ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 1169 ..., 2002
BW Shiu, B Li, XY Fu, Y Liu
JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and ..., 2002
CH Zhang, Y Liu, RMC So, N Phan-Thien
Computational mechanics 29 (4-5), 422-429, 2002
S Chen, Y Liu
Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (1), 3-9, 2002
Y Liu, RMC So, CH Zhang
Journal of biomechanics 35 (4), 465-473, 2002
XQ Wang, RMC So, Y Liu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 243 (2), 241-268, 2001
Y Liu, RMC So, YL Lau, Y Zhou
Journal of Fluids and Structures 15 (7), 1009-1030, 2001
RMC So, Y Liu, ST Chan, K Lam
Journal of Fluids and Structures 15 (6), 845-866, 2001
S Chen, Y Liu, SF Chan, CW Leung, TL Chan
Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2-3), 251-257, 2001
RMC So, Y Liu, Y Zhou
Flow-Induced Vibration Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference ..., 2000
Y Liu, S Chen, BW Shiu
Computational mechanics 26 (5), 470-477, 2000
Y Liu, PT NHAN, R Kemp
International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 1 (02), 187-206, 2000
YLN Phan-Thien
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications 37 (6), 613-630, 2000
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien
Computational mechanics 24 (3), 175-186, 1999
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien, CW Leung, TL Chan
Computational mechanics 24 (4), 310-318, 1999
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien, R Kemp, XL Luo
Computational mechanics 22 (4), 326-336, 1998
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien, R Kemp, XL Luo
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications 31 (4), 411-431, 1997
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien, R Kemp, XL Luo
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications 32 (2), 149-167, 1997
BW Mangum, ER Pfeiffer, GF Strouse, J Valencia-Rodriguez, JH Lin, ...
Metrologia 33 (3), 215, 1996
Y Liu, N Phan-Thien, R Kemp
Computational mechanics 18 (6), 429-443, 1996