In this work, a novel phenomenological model is proposed to study the liquid-to-solid phase change of eutectic and hypoeutectic alloy compositions. The objective is to enhance [...]
A three-dimensional (3D) thermomechanical coupled model for Laser Solid Forming (LSF) of Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been calibrated through experiments of 40-layers metal [...]
This paper discusses the modeling of cracking in quasi-brittle materials using isotropic and orthotropic damage constitutive laws. A mixed strain/displacement finite element [...]
The asymmetric tensile/compressive material behavior and microcracks closure-reopening (MCR) effects exhibited by quasi-brittle solids are of significant [...]
In the present paper, a new d+/d− damage model apt for quasi-brittle materials is described and its validation is carried out considering unreinforced [...]
This paper discusses the finite element modeling of cracking in quasi-brittle materials. The problem is addressed via a mixed strain/displacement finite element formulation [...]
L Benedetti, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 176, 235-256, 2017
M Chiumenti, X Lin, M Cervera, W Lei, Y Zheng, W Huang
Rapid Prototyping Journal 23 (2), 2017
N Dialami, M Cervera, M Chiumenti, CA de Saracibar
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 88 (9), 3099–3111, 2017
N Dialami, M Cervera, M Chiumenti, CA de Saracibar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 122, 215–227, 2017
S Saloustros, L Pelà, M Cervera, P Roca
Computational Mechanics 59 (2), 299–316, 2017
E Moreno, A Larese, M Cervera
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 228, 1-16, 2016
JY Wu, M Cervera
Journal of Solids and Structures 87, 227-247, 2016
M Chiumenti, M Cervera, N Dialami, B Wu, L Jinwei, CA de Saracibar
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 121, 118-133, 2016
L Pelà, J Bourgeois, P Roca, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 10 (4), 418-437, 2016
N Dialami, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, C Agelet de Saracibar
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-37, 2016
P Bussetta, N Dialami, M Chiumenti, CA de Saracibar, M Cervera, ...
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2 (27), 1-19, 2015
S Saloustros, L Pelà, M Cervera
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 150, 96-114, 2015
M Cervera, JY Wu
Journal of Solids and Structures 71, 19-38, 2015
NM Lafontaine, R Rossi, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
Computational Mechanics 55, 543-559, 2015
JY Wu, M Cervera
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 82, 137-163, 2015
M Chiumenti, M Cervera, R Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 1095–1116, 2015
L Benedetti, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
Computers and Geotechnics 64, 32-47, 2015
N Dialami, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, CA de Saracibar, JP Ponthot
International Journal of Material Forming 8 (2), 167-181, 2015
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, L Benedetti, R Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 752-775, 2015
C Agelet de Saracibar, A Lundbäck, M Chiumenti, M Cervera
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer, 2014
N Dialami, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, CA de Saracibar, JP Ponthot, ...
Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering, 157-169, 2014
L Pelà, M Cervera, S Oller, M Chiumenti
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 124, 196–216, 2014
CA de Saracibar, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, N Dialami, A Seret
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 21, 3-37, 2014
M Chiumenti, M Cervera, C Agelet de Saracibar, N Dialami
AIP conference proceedings 1532 (1), 45-56, 2013
P Bussetta, N Dialami, R Boman, M Chiumenti, C Agelet de Saracibar, ...
Steel Research International 85, 968–979, 2013
N Dialami, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, CA de Saracibar
Computers & Structures 117, 48-57, 2013
P Roca, M Cervera, L Pelà, R Clemente, M Chiumenti
Engineering Structures 46, 653-670, 2013
L Pelà, M Cervera, P Roca
Construction and Building Materials 41 (2013) 957–967, 2013
M Chiumenti, M Cervera, C Agelet de Saracibar, N Dialami
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 254 (2013) 353–369, 2013
P Roca, M Cervera, L Pelà, R Clemente, M Chiumenti
The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 6 (Suppl 1-M7), 188-199, 2012
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, D Di Capua
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 241, 206-224, 2012
CA de Saracibar, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, N Dialami, D Santiago, ...
on the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plasticity and its …, 2011
L Pelà, M Cervera, P Roca
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (9-12), 917-930, 2011
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, R Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 87 (10), 962-987, 2011
C Agelet de Saracibar, M Chiumenti, D Santiago, M Cervera, N Dialami, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1252 (1), 81-88, 2010
M Cervera, L Pelà, R Clemente, P Roca
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (13), 2431-2450, 2010
M Chiumenti, M Cervera, A Salmi, CA De Saracibar, N Dialami, K Matsui
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 199 (37-40), 2343-2359, 2010
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, R Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (37-40), 2559-2570, 2010
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, R Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (37), 2571-2589, 2010
P Roca, M Cervera, G Gariup, L Pelà
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 17 (3), 299-325, 2010
J Murcia-Delso, AK Das, M Roca, M Cervera
Thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and …, 2009
M Cervera, M Chiumenti
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (17), 3301-3312, 2009
R Clemente, M Cervera Ruiz, P Roca Fabregat
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 2008
M Chiumenti, CA de Saracibar, M Cervera
Journal of Heat Transfer 130 (6), 061301, 2008
M Cervera
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197 (17-18), 1603-1619, 2008
M Cervera
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 76 (12), 1930-1954, 2008
R Clemente, M Cervera, P Roca
Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 2007
R Clemente, P Roca, M Cervera
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, New Delhi, India, 2006
CA de Saracibar, M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, M Cervera
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (9-12), 1224-1251, 2006
M Cervera, M Chiumenti
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2006
M Cervera, M Chiumenti
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196 (1-3), 304-320, 2006
M Massanas, P Roca, M Cervera, G Arun
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions IV, Padova, Italy, 2004
CA de Saracibar, M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, M Cervera
Monograph Series on Computational Methods in Forming Processes 2, 2004
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, C Agelet de Saracibar
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2004
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, C Agelet de Saracibar
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (9), 849-880, 2004
R Faria, J Oliver, M Cervera
Journal of Structural Engineering 130 (12), 1997-2005, 2004
OC Zienkiewicz, RL Taylor, trad., G Bugeda, M Cervera, E Oñate
CIMNE, 2004
M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, CA de Saracibar, M Cervera
International Journal of Plasticity 20 (8-9), 1487-1504, 2004
D Christ, M Cervera, M Chiumenti, CA de Saracibar
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2003
M Cervera
CIMNE, Monography Nº-79, Technical University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2003
M Cervera, M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, CA de Saracibar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (49-50), 5249-5263, 2003
M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, C Agelet de Saracibar, M Cervera
Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería V 94 (99), 100, 2002
QM Valverde Guzmán
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2002
M Cervera, C Agelet de Saracibar, M Chiumenti
CIMNE, Technical report IT-308, 2002
M Cervera, R Faria, J Oliver, T Prato
Computers & structures 80 (18-19), 1511-1521, 2002
M Chiumenti, Q Valverde, CA De Saracibar, M Cervera
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 191 (46), 5253-5264, 2002
M Cervera, J Oliver, T Prato, J García
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 2001
CA de Saracibar, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
International Journal of Plasticity 17 (12), 1565-1622, 2001
M Cervera, E Blanco
Edicions UPC, 2001
M Cervera, J Oliver, T Prato
Journal of structural Engineering 126 (9), 1062-1069, 2000
M Cervera, J Oliver, T Prato
Journal of Structural Engineering 126 (9), 1053-1061, 2000
OL Manzoli, J Oliver, M Cervera
Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1999
M Cervera, C Agelet De Saracibar, M Chiumenti
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 46 (9), 1575-1591, 1999
M Cervera, J Oliver, T Prato
Journal of engineering mechanics 125 (9), 1028-1039, 1999
CA De Saracibar, M Cervera, M Chiumenti
International journal of plasticity 15 (1), 1-34, 1999
M Cervera, J Oliver, T Prato
Journal of engineering mechanics 125 (9), 1018-1027, 1999
G Bugeda, M Cervera, G Lombera
Rapid Prototyping Journal 5 (1), 21-26, 1999
J Oliver, M Cervera, O Manzoli
International journal of plasticity 15 (3), 319-351, 1999
AH Barbat, M Cervera, A Hanganu, C Cirauqui, E Onate
Nuclear engineering and design 180 (3), 251-270, 1998
J Oliver, M Cervera, O Manzoli
Material Instabilities in Solids 8, 107-123, 1998
R Faria, J Oliver, M Cervera
International journal of solids and structures 35 (14), 1533-1558, 1998
T Prato, M Cervera, X Oliver
Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1997
M Cervera, R Codina
CIMNE, 1996
M Cervera, R Codina, M Galindo
Engineering computations 13 (6), 4-30, 1996
M Cervera, J Oliver, O Manzoli
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 25 (9), 987-1010, 1996
M Cervera, ÁH Barbat, Á Hanganu, E Oñate, C Cirauqui
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 1995
HA Barbat, M Cervera, C Cirauqui, Á Hanganu, E Oñate
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 1995
G Bugeda, M Cervera, G Lombera, E Onate
Rapid Prototyping Journal 1 (2), 13-23, 1995
M Cervera, J Oliver, R Faria
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 24 (9), 1225-1245, 1995
E Onate, M Cervera, OC Zienkiewicz
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 37 (2), 181-201, 1994
R Codina, M Cervera, E Oñate
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 36 (8), 1395-1412, 1993
E Oñate, M Cervera
Engineering Computations 10 (6), 543-561, 1993
M Galindo, M Cervera, J Oliver
Tenth World Conf. on Earthq. Eng, 4651-4656, 1992
E Oñate, OC Zienkiewicz, M Cervera
Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1992
R Codina, E Oñate, M Cervera
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 94 (2), 239-262, 1992
M Cervera, J Oliver, E Herrero, E Onate
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 35 (1), 573-585, 1990
J Oliver, M Cervera, S Oller, J Lubliner
II Int. conference on computer aided analysis and design of concrete …, 1990
M Cervera, E Hinton, J Bonet, N Bicanic
Numerical Methods and Software For Dynamic Analysis Of Plates and Shells …, 1988
M Cervera, E Hinton, O Hassan
Computers & structures 25 (6), 845-869, 1987
M Cervera
University College of Swansea, 1986