research experience

  • Honorary Professor of Economics Econometrics, Statistics and Economic Policy Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona - Spain)

    Started: 2024-04-30 - Currently working.

    Main fields of research: Industrial Policy, Theory of Economic Policy, Industrial Organization, Theory and Policy of R+D+i, Innovation Policy, Political Economy, Agglomeration Economies, Demography of Firms, Production Structure and International Competitiveness.

teaching experience

  • Honorary Professor Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Economic Policy (Barcelona - )

    Started: 2024-04-29 - Currently working.

    Teaching: theory of economic policy, microeconomics, R+D+i policy, innovation theory and policy, production clusters, political economy, 


No education info.

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

  • Vice rector of International Policy at University of Barcelona

    Vice rector of International Policy at University of Barcelona

    General Director of Small and Medium Enterprises at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Madrid

skills & expertise