research experience

  • Researcher Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Panamá - Panama)

    Started: 2018-08-01 - Currently working.

    Research Group: Radiant Energy and Irreversible Dissipations (ERDI)

    I have been actively participating in research during my master's program in electrical engineering with a specialization in Electrical Power at the Technological University of Panama in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and advised by Dr Dorindo Cárdenas.

    After I finished my master's program in 2021, I have continued working, I was co-author of another publication in 2023, for the scientific journal of the Technological University called "Revista de I+D Tecnológico".

teaching experience

No teaching info


  • Master in Engineering with specialization in electrical power - Technological University of Panama. (Panamá - Panama)

    Started: 2018-01-01 - Finished: 2021-08-01

  • Specialization in Senior Management. (Panamá - Panama)

    Started: 2016-03-01 - Finished: 2016-12-01

  • Master of Business Administration with emphasis in Finance (Panamá - Panama)

    Started: 2016-03-01 - Finished: 2017-12-01

  • Bachelor of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering. (Panamá - Panama)

    Started: 2008-03-01 - Finished: 2014-04-01

awards & achievements

  • awards or achievemets

    Date: 12/07

    • Full scholarship to study secondary education at the Colegio San Vicente de Paúl (2005).
    • Graduated with the first place of honor at the Colegio San Vicente de Paúl, class of 2007.
    • Highest academic index in the province of Veraguas in 2007, at the level of average schools.
    • Exoneration scholarship from the Technological University of Panama, during the entire Career; final academic index 2.20 (2008).
    • Grant from the Government of Panama through IFARHU, to study the Engineering program (2008).
    • Performance evaluation “Outstanding (O) -Outstanding” in the Panama Canal Authority, for
    leading, implementing and teamwork projects of high value for the company and for being
    outstanding in its interpersonal relationships (2018,2019,2020).
    • Deserving of four (4) immediate awards for their performance in leading, implementing and teaming
    up projects of high value for the company (2017,2018,2019)

other experience

  • Technical support of computing, networks and telecommunications

    Government Ministry 

    March 2014 - December 2014

  • Financial Analyst II

    Ministry of Economy and Finance 

    January 2015 - August 2015

  • Communications, network and data center administrator

     Ministry of Economy and Finance 

    August 2015 - October 2016

  • Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer

    Caja de Seguro Social

    October 2016 - April 2017

  • System Administrator

    Panama Canal Authority

    July 2017 - November 2019

  • Electronic

    Panama Canal Authority

    December 2019 - June 2020

  • System Administrator

    Panama Canal Authority

    June 2020 - Currently



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