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  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 140

    A la darrera Cimera del Clima (COP28) celebrada a Dubai al desembre de 2023, es menciona, per primera vegada, la urgència d’una transició energètica [...]

  • J. Proenza, J. Melgarejo
    3r Congrés d'Economia i Empresa de Catalunya - Full papers.

    Les matèries primeres minerals considerades crítiques són crucials per l’economia d’Europa; són imprescindibles per la indústria [...]

  • J. Proenza, J. Melgarejo
    3r Congrés d'Economia i Empresa de Catalunya - Abstracts.

    A la industria minera le gusta decir “si no se cultiva, habrá que extraerlo de una mina”. Los recursos minerales son imprescindibles para el desarrollo [...]

Articles (Documents not available in Scipedia)

  • Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronology of the Doña Amanda and Cerro Kiosko Deposits, Bayaguana District, Dominican Republic: Looking Down for the Porphyry Cu-Mo...

    L Torró, A Camprubí, JA Proenza, P León, HJ Stein, JF Lewis, CE Nelson, ...

    Economic Geology 112 (4), 829-853, 2017

  • Supergene neoformation of Pt-Ir-Fe-Ni alloys: Multistage grains explain nugget formation in Ni-laterites

    T Aiglsperger, JA Proenza, M Font-Bardia, S Baurier-Aymat, S Galí, ...

    Mineralium Deposita 52 (7), 1069-1083, 2017

  • Petrogenesis of meta-volcanic rocks from the Maimón Formation (Dominican Republic): Geochemical record of the nascent Greater Antilles paleo-arc

    L Torró, JA Proenza, C Marchesi, A Garcia-Casco, JF Lewis

    Lithos 278, 255-273, 2017

  • Petrogenesis and 40Ar/39Ar dating of proto-forearc crust in the Early Cretaceous Caribbean arc: The La Tinta mélange (eastern Cuba) and its easterly correlation in...

    C Lázaro, IF Blanco-Quintero, JA Proenza, Y Rojas-Agramonte, ...

    International Geology Review 58 (8), 1020-1040, 2016

  • The geology of Cuba: A brief overview and synthesis

    MA Iturralde-Vinent, A García-Casco, Y Rojas-Agramonte, JA Proenza, ...

    GSA Today 26 (10), 4-10, 2016

  • High-pressure greenschist to blueschist facies transition in the Maimón Formation (Dominican Republic) suggests mid-Cretaceous subduction of the Early Cretaceo...

    L Torró, A Garcia-Casco, JA Proenza, IF Blanco-Quintero, ...

    Lithos 266, 309-331, 2016

  • Ni-phyllosilicates (garnierites) from the Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit (Dominican Republic): Mineralogy, nanotextures, and formation mechanisms by HRTEM and AEM

    C Villanova-de-Benavent, F Nieto, C Viti, JA Proenza, S Galí, ...

    American Mineralogist 101 (6), 1460-1473, 2016

  • Recycling and transport of continental material through the mantle wedge above subduction zones: A Caribbean example

    Y Rojas-Agramonte, A Garcia-Casco, A Kemp, A Kröner, JA Proenza, ...

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 436, 93-107, 2016

  • Mineralogy, geochemistry and sulfur isotope characterization of Cerro de Maimón (Dominican Republic), San Fernando and Antonio (Cuba) Lower Cretaceous VMS...

    L Torró, JA Proenza, JC Melgarejo, P Alfonso, JF de Pablo, JM Colomer, ...

    Ore Geology Reviews 72, 794-817, 2016

  • Geochemical record of subduction initiation in the sub-arc mantle: Insights from the Loma Caribe peridotite (Dominican Republic)

    C Marchesi, CJ Garrido, JA Proenza, K Hidas, MI Varas-Reus, L Butjosa, ...

    Lithos 252, 1-15, 2016

  • Critical metals (REE, Sc, PGE) in Ni laterites from Cuba and the Dominican Republic

    T Aiglsperger, JA Proenza, JF Lewis, M Labrador, M Svojtka, ...

    Ore Geology Reviews 73, 127-147, 2016

  • La geoquímica de la Formación Maimón (Cordillera Central, República Dominicana) revisada

    L Torró, JA Proenza, A García-Casco, J Farré de Pablo, R Del Carpio, ...

    Boletín Geológico y Minero, 2015

  • Re-Os dating of molybdenite from the Pueblo Viejo Au-Ag-Cu and Douvray Cu-Au districts, Hispaniola

    CE Nelson, H Stein, H Dominguez, C Carrasco, T Barrie, L Torró, ...

    Economic Geology 110 (4), 1101-1110, 2015

  • Ruthenium and magnetite intergrowths from the Loma Peguera chromitite, Dominican Republic, and relevance to the debate over the existence of platinum-group el...

    F Zaccarini, L Bindi, G Garuti, JA Proenza

    The Canadian Mineralogist, canmin. 1400030, 2015

  • Thermal metamorphism of mantle chromites and the stability of noble-metal nanoparticles

    JM González-Jiménez, M Reich, A Camprubí, F Gervilla, WL Griffin, ...

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 170 (2), 15, 2015

  • Gold behavior in supergene profiles under changing redox conditions: the example of the Las Cruces deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt

    L Yesares, T Aiglsperger, R Sáez, GR Almodóvar, JM Nieto, JA Proenza, ...

    Economic Geology 110 (8), 2109-2126, 2015

  • Did the Turonian–Coniacian plume pulse trigger subduction initiation in the Northern Caribbean? Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Moa-Baracoa metamorph...

    C Lázaro, A García-Casco, IF Blanco-Quintero, Y Rojas-Agramonte, ...

    International Geology Review 57 (5-8), 919-942, 2015

  • Weathering profile of the Cerro de Maimón VMS deposit (Dominican Republic): textures, mineralogy, gossan evolution and mobility of gold and silver

    E Andreu, L Torró, JA Proenza, C Domenech, A García-Casco, ...

    Ore Geology Reviews 65, 165-179, 2015

  • Platinum group minerals (PGM) in the Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit, Loma Caribe peridotite (Dominican Republic)

    T Aiglsperger, JA Proenza, F Zaccarini, JF Lewis, G Garuti, M Labrador, ...

    Mineralium Deposita 50 (1), 105-123, 2015

  • Fingerprints of metamorphism in chromite: New insights from minor and trace elements

    V Colás, JM González-Jiménez, WL Griffin, I Fanlo, F Gervilla, SY O'Reilly, ...

    Chemical Geology 389, 137-152, 2014

  • Chromitites in ophiolites: How, where, when, why? Part I. A review and new ideas on the origin and significance of platinum-group minerals

    JM González-Jiménez, WL Griffin, F Gervilla, JA Proenza, SY O'Reilly, ...

    Lithos 189, 127-139, 2014

  • Garnierites and garnierites: textures, mineralogy and geochemistry of garnierites in the Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit, Dominican Republic

    C Villanova-de-Benavent, JA Proenza, S Galí, A García-Casco, E Tauler, ...

    Ore Geology Reviews 58, 91-109, 2014

  • Chromitites in ophiolites: How, where, when, why? Part II. The crystallization of chromitites

    JM González-Jiménez, WL Griffin, JA Proenza, F Gervilla, SY O'Reilly, ...

    Lithos 189, 140-158, 2014

  • First description of a metamorphic sole related to ophiolite obduction in the northern Caribbean: geochemistry and petrology of the Güira de Jauco Amphibolite comp...

    C Lázaro, IF Blanco-Quintero, Y Rojas-Agramonte, JA Proenza, ...

    Lithos 179, 193-210, 2013

  • Mineral and whole rock compositions of peridotites from Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic): insights into the evolution of the oceanic mantle in the Caribbean region

    C Marchesi, CJ Garrido, JA Proenza, Z Konc, K Hidas, J Lewis, E Lidiak

    EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14, 12161, 2012

  • Zaccariniite, RhNiAs, a new platinum-group mineral from loma peguera, Dominican Republic

    A Vymazalová, F Laufek, M Drábek, CJ Stanley, RJ Baker, R Bermejo, ...

    The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (5), 1321-1329, 2012

  • First finding of Pt–Pd-rich chromitite and platinum-group element mineralization in southwest Yukon mantle peridotite complexes

    M Escayola, DC Murphy, G Garuti, F Zaccarini, JA Proenza, T Aiglsperger, ...

    Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 12, 18, 2012

  • Platinum-group minerals in chromitites of the Niquelândia layered intrusion (Central Goias, Brazil): Their magmatic origin and low-temperature reworking during ser...

    G Garuti, F Zaccarini, JA Proenza, OAR Thalhammer, N Angeli

    Minerals 2 (4), 365-384, 2012

  • Ni enrichment and stability of Al-free garnierite solid-solutions: a thermodynamic approach

    S Galí, JM Soler, JA Proenza, JF Lewis, J Cama, E Tauler

    Clays and Clay Minerals 60 (2), 121-135, 2012

  • Metamorphism disturbs the Re-Os signatures of platinum-group minerals in ophiolite chromitites

    JM González-Jiménez, WL Griffin, F Gervilla, TN Kerestedjian, SY O’Reilly, ...

    Geology 40 (7), 659-662, 2012

  • Os-isotope variability within sulfides from podiform chromitites

    JM González-Jiménez, F Gervilla, WL Griffin, JA Proenza, T Augé, ...

    Chemical Geology 291, 224-235, 2012

  • Looking for needles in a haystack: how to find PGM in laterites by using hydroseparation techniques

    T Aiglsperger, JA Proenza, F Zaccarini, M Labrador, D Navarro-Ciuriana

    Macla 15, 23-24, 2011

  • Caracterización mineralógica de las esmectitas niquelíferas del yacimiento de San Felipe (Camagüey, Cuba)

    T Gallardo, E Tauler, E GARCÍA-ROMERO, JA Proenza, ...

    Macla 15, 89-90, 2011

  • Talc-and serpentine-like “garnierites” from Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit (Dominican Republic): a HRTEM approach

    C Villanova-de-Benavent, F Nieto, JA Proenza, S Galí

    Macla 15, 197-198, 2011

  • Barium-rich fluids and melts in a subduction environment (La Corea and Sierra del Convento mélanges, eastern Cuba)

    IF Blanco-Quintero, C Lázaro, A García-Casco, JA Proenza, ...

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162 (2), 395-413, 2011

  • Chromitite and platinum-group-element mineralization at middle Arm Brook, central Advocate ophiolite complex, Baie Verte peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada

    M Escayola, G Garuti, F Zaccarini, JA Proenza, JH Bédard, C Van Staal

    The Canadian Mineralogist 49 (6), 1523-1547, 2011

  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of platinum-rich chromitites from the mantle–crust transition zone at Ouen Island, New Caledonia ophiolite

    JM González-Jiménez, T Augé, F Gervilla, L Bailly, JA Proenza, WL Griffin

    The Canadian Mineralogist 49 (6), 1549-1569, 2011

  • Serpentinites and serpentinites within a fossil subduction channel: La Corea mélange, eastern Cuba

    IF Blanco-Quintero, JA Proenza, A García-Casco, E Tauler, S Galí

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 9 (3-4), 2011

  • Petrogenesis of fertile mantle peridotites from the Monte del Estado massif (Southwest Puerto Rico): a preserved section of Proto-Caribbean lithospheric mantle?

    C Marchesi, WT Jolly, JF Lewis, CJ Garrido, JA Proenza, EG Lidiak

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 9 (3-4), 2011

  • The metallogenic evolution of the Greater Antilles

    CE Nelson, JA Proenza, JF Lewis, J López-Kramer

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 9 (3-4), 2011

  • In situ Re–Os isotopic analysis of platinum-group minerals from the Mayarí-Cristal ophiolitic massif (Mayarí-Baracoa Ophiolitic Belt, eastern Cuba): implications for th...

    C Marchesi, JM González-Jiménez, F Gervilla, CJ Garrido, WL Griffin, ...

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161 (6), 977-990, 2011

  • Chromite and platinum group elements mineralization in the Santa Elena Ultramafic Nappe (Costa Rica): geodynamic implications

    F Zaccarini, G Garuti, JA Proenza, L Campos, OAR Thalhammer, ...

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 9 (3-4), 2011

  • High-Cr and high-Al chromitites from the Sagua de Tánamo district, Mayarí-Cristal ophiolitic massif (eastern Cuba): Constraints on their origin from mineralogy and g...

    JM González-Jiménez, JA Proenza, F Gervilla, JC Melgarejo, ...

    Lithos 125 (1), 101-121, 2011

  • Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Loma Ortega Ni laterite deposit, Dominican Republic

    T Gallardo, E Tauler, JA Proenza, JF Lewis, S Galí, M Labrador, F Longo, ...

    Macla 13, 89-90, 2010

  • El yacimiento de San Felipe (Camagüey, Cuba): un ejemplo de lateritas niquelíferas tipo arcilla


    Macla 13, 87-88, 2010

  • Las cromititas del Complejo Ofiolítico de Camagüey, Cuba: un ejemplo de cromitas ricas en Al

    S Henares, JM González-Jiménez, F Gervilla, JA Proenza, ...

    Boletín de la Sociedad geológica Mexicana 62 (1), 173-185, 2010

  • Alteration of Platinum‐Group and Base‐Metal Mineral Assemblages in Ophiolite Chromitites from the Dobromirtsi Massif, Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria)

    JM González‐Jiménez, F Gervilla, T Kerestedjian, JA Proenza

    Resource geology 60 (4), 315-334, 2010

  • Técnicas de caracterización mineral y su aplicación en exploración y explotación minera

    JC Melgarejo, JA Proenza, S Galí, X Llovet

    Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 62 (1), 1-23, 2010

  • Garutiite,(Ni, Fe, Ir), a new hexagonal polymorph of native Ni from Loma Peguera, Dominican Republic

    AM McDonald, JA Proenza, F Zaccarini, NS Rudashevsky, LJ Cabri, ...

    European Journal of Mineralogy 22 (2), 293-304, 2010

  • Sorption of Ni by “lithiophorite–asbolane” intermediates in Moa Bay lateritic deposits, eastern Cuba

    J Roqué-Rosell, JFW Mosselmans, JA Proenza, M Labrador, S Galí, ...

    Chemical Geology 275 (1), 9-18, 2010

  • Small-scale mobility of platinum-group elements during serpentinization: evidence from the distribution of platinum-group minerals in chromitites from the Sagua de...

    JM Gonzalez-Jimenez, JA Proenza, F Gervilla, JA Blanco-Moreno, ...

    Smart Sciences For Exploration And Mixing. Proceedings of 10Th Biennial Sga …, 2009

  • Sulfur-isotope variations in sulfide minerals from massive sulfide deposits of the northern Apennine ophiolites: Inorganic and biogenic constraints

    G Garuti, P Alfonso, JA Proenza, F Zaccarini

    Ofioliti 34 (1), 43-62, 2009

  • The Point Rousse listvenites, Baie Verte, Newfoundland: altered ultramafic rocks with potential for gold mineralization

    MP Escayola, JA Proenza, C Van Staal, N Rogers, T Skulski

    Current research. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources …, 2009

  • The Plutón Diorítico Moat: mildly alkaline monzonitic magmatism in the Fuegian Andes of Argentina

    MG Guillot, M Escayola, R Acevedo, M Pimentel, G Seraphim, J Proenza, ...

    Journal of South American Earth Sciences 28 (4), 345-359, 2009

  • Petrology and geochemistry of Tehuitzingo serpentinites (Acatlán Complex, SW Mexico).

    G González-Mancera, F Ortega-Gutiérrez, JA Proenza, V Atudorei

    Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 61 (3), 2009

  • The Loma Peguera ophiolitic chromitite (Central Dominican Republic): a source of new platinum group minerals (PGM) species

    F Zaccarini, JA Proenza, NS Rudashevsky, LJ Cabri, G Garuti, ...

    Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Abhandlungen: Journal of Mineralogy and …, 2009

  • Distribution of platinum-group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites

    JM González-Jiménez, F Gervilla, JA Proenza, T Augé, T Kerestedjian

    Applied Earth Science 118 (3-4), 101-110, 2009

  • Zoning of laurite (RuS 2)–erlichmanite (OsS 2): implications for the origin of PGM in ophiolite chromitites

    JM González-Jiménez, F Gervilla, JA Proenza, T Kerestedjian, T Augé, ...

    European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (2), 419-432, 2009

  • Ni-sepiolite-falcondoite in garnierite mineralization from the Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit, Dominican Republic

    E Tauler, JA Proenza, S Galí, JF Lewis, M Labrador, E García-Romero, ...

    Clay Minerals 44 (4), 435-454, 2009

  • Metamorphism on chromite ores from the Dobromirtsi ultramafic massif, Rhodope mountains (SE Bulgaria)

    JM González-Jiménez, T Kerestedjian, JA Proenza, F Gervilla

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 7 (4), 2009

  • Geology, fluid inclusion and sulphur isotope characteristics of the El Cobre VHMS deposit, Southern Cuba

    X Cazañas, P Alfonso, JC Melgarejo, JA Proenza, AE Fallick

    Mineralium Deposita 43 (7), 805, 2008

  • Garnierite mineralization from Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit (Dominican Republic)

    JA Proenza, JF Lewis, S Galí, E Tauler, M Labrador, JC Melgarejo, ...

    Macla 9, 197-198, 2008

  • Composition and textures of chromite and platinum-group minerals in chromitites of the western ophiolitic belt from Pampean Ranges of Córdoba, Argentina

    JA Proenza, F Zaccarini, M Escayola, C Cábana, A Schalamuk, G Garuti

    Ore Geology Reviews 33 (1), 32-48, 2008

  • Distribution and mineralogy of platinum-group elements in altered chromitites of the Campo Formoso layered intrusion (Bahia State, Brazil): control by magmatic and...

    G Garuti, JA Proenza, F Zaccarini

    Mineralogy and Petrology 89 (3), 159-188, 2007

  • Geochemistry of Cretaceous magmatism in eastern Cuba: recycling of North American continental sediments and implications for subduction polarity in the Greater...

    C Marchesi, CJ Garrido, D Bosch, JA Proenza, F Gervilla, P Monié, ...

    Journal of Petrology 48 (9), 1813-1840, 2007

  • Chromian spinel composition and the platinum-group minerals of the PGE-rich Loma Peguera chromitites, Loma Caribe peridotite, Dominican Republic

    JA Proenza, F Zaccarini, JF Lewis, F Longo, G Garuti

    The Canadian Mineralogist 45 (3), 631-648, 2007

  • El prospecto Cerro León, Macizo del Deseado, Patagonia, Argentina: Un depósito de Ag-Sn

    A Crespi, SM Jovic, DM Guido, J Proenza, JC Melgarejo, IB Schalammuk

    Macla 6, 143-145, 2006

  • Monte del Estado (Puerto Rico) and Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic) peridotites: A look at two different Mesozoic mantle sections within northern Caribbean region

    JF Lewis, JA Proenza, WT Jolly, EG Lidiak

    Geophysical Research Abstracts 8, 08798, 2006

  • Os isotope heterogeneity of the upper mantle: Evidence from the Mayari–Baracoa ophiolite belt in eastern Cuba

    R Frei, F Gervilla, A Meibom, JA Proenza, CJ Garrido

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3), 466-476, 2006

  • Primitive Cretaceous island-arc volcanic rocks in eastern Cuba: the Téneme Formation

    JA Proenza, R Díaz-Martínez, A Iriondo, C Marchesi, JC Melgarejo, ...

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 4 (1-2), 2006

  • Petrogenesis of highly depleted peridotites and gabbroic rocks from the Mayarí-Baracoa Ophiolitic Belt (eastern Cuba)

    C Marchesi, CJ Garrido, M Godard, JA Proenza, F Gervilla, ...

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 151 (6), 717, 2006

  • Ophiolite-related ultramafic rocks (serpentinites) in the Caribbean region: a review of their occurrence, composition, origin, emplacement and Nilaterite soil formation

    JF Lewis, G Draper, JA Proenza, J Espaillat, J Jiménez

    Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 4 (1-2), 2006

  • Groundwater and Human Development: IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 6

    E Bocanegra, M Hernandez, E Usunoff

    CRC Press, 2005

  • Groundwater and human development

    MR Llamas

    Groundwater and Human Development: IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 6 6, 1, 2005

  • Platinum group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites from Tehuitzingo (Acatlan complex, southern Mexico): implications for post-magmatic modification

    F Zaccarini, JA Proenza, F Ortega-Gutiérrez, G Garuti

    Mineralogy and Petrology 84 (3), 147-168, 2005

  • Mn–Ba–Hg mineralization at shallow submarine hydrothermal vents in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, Mexico

    C Canet, RM Prol-Ledesma, JA Proenza, MA Rubio-Ramos, MJ Forrest, ...

    Chemical Geology 224 (1), 96-112, 2005

  • Distribution of platinum-group elements and Os isotopes in chromite ores from Mayarí-Baracoa Ophiolitic Belt (eastern Cuba)

    F Gervilla, JA Proenza, R Frei, JM Gonzalez-Jimenez, CJ Garrido, ...

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150 (6), 589-607, 2005

  • Edades de cristalización U-Pb en circones del complejo ígneo de Santa Olalla de Cala: implicaciones en la edad del yacimiento de Ni-Cu-EGP de Aguablanca (Bad...

    I Romeo, R Lunar, R Capote, C Quesada, GR Dunning, R Piña, L Ortega

    Macla, 29-30, 2004

  • La secuencia ofiolítica de la faja ultramáfica de Sierras Pampeanas de Córdoba, Argentina

    M Escayola, JA Proenza, A Schalamuk, C Cábana

    Complejos ofiolíticos en Iberoamérica: guías de prospección para metales …, 2004

  • Paleozoic serpentinite-enclosed chromitites from Tehuitzingo (Acatlán Complex, southern Mexico): a petrological and mineralogical study

    JA Proenza, F Ortega-Gutiérrez, A Camprubı, J Tritlla, M Elıas-Herrera, ...

    Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (8), 649-666, 2004

  • New petrological and structural constraints on the origin of the Mayarí-Baracoa ophiolitic belt (eastern Cuba)

    C Marchesi, J Proenza, F Gervilla, CJ Garrido, JC Melgarejo, ...

    EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 2003

  • Comments on the paper “Ochreous laterite: a nickel ore from Punta Gorda, Cuba” by Oliveira et al.

    JA Proenza, JC Melgarejo, F Gervilla

    Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2), 199-202, 2003

  • Source of ore-forming fluids in El Cobre VHMSdeposit (Cuba): evidence from fluid inclusions and sulfur isotopes

    X Cazañas, P Alfonso, JC Melgarejo, JA Proenza, AE Fallick

    Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78, 85-90, 2003

  • Mining and geological knowledge during the Neolithic: a geological study on the variscite mines at Gavà, Catalonia

    A Camprubí, JC Melgarejo, JA Proenza, F Costa, J Bosch, A Estrada, ...

    Episodes 26 (4), 295-301, 2003

  • D, O and C isotopes in podiform chromitites as fluid tracers for hydrothermal alteration processes of the Mayarí—Baracoa Ophiolitic Belt, eastern Cuba

    JA Proenza, P Alfonso, JC Melgarejo, F Gervilla, J Tritlla, AE Fallick

    Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78, 117-122, 2003

  • Coexistence of Cr-and Al-rich ophiolitic chromitites in a small area: the Sagua de Tánamo district, Eastern Cuba

    JA Proenza, JC Melgarejo, F Gervilla, A Rodríguez-Vega, ...

    Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development. Rotterdam Netherlands …, 2003

  • Los depósitos de cromita en complejos ofiolíticos: discusión de un modelo de formación a partir de las particularidades de las cromitas de Cuba Oriental

    JA Proenza, F Gervilla, JC Melgarejo

    Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, 97-128, 2002

  • Genesis of sulfide-rich chromite ores by the interaction between chromitite and pegmatitic olivine-norite dikes in the Potosi Mine (Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic massif, east...

    J Proenza, F Gervilla, J Melgarejo, O Vera, P Alfonso, A Fallick

    Mineralium deposita 36 (7), 658-669, 2001

  • Los niveles de gabros bandeados en el macizo ofiolítico Moa-Baracoa (Cuba). Gabros característicos de cumulados de ofiolitas de zonas de suprasubducción

    J Proenza, JC Melgarejo, F Gervilla, J Solé

    Minería y Geología 16 (2), 5-12, 1999

  • Uvarovite in podiform chromitite; the Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic massif, Cuba

    J Proenza, J Solé, JC Melgarejo

    The Canadian Mineralogist 37 (3), 679-690, 1999


    J Proenza, F Gervilla, JC Melgarejo

    Rev. Soc. Geol. España 12, 3-4, 1999

  • Al-and Cr-rich chromitites from the Mayari-Baracoa ophiolitic belt (eastern Cuba); consequence of interaction between volatile-rich melts and peridotites in suprasub...

    J Proenza, F Gervilla, J Melgarejo, JL Bodinier

    Economic Geology 94 (4), 547-566, 1999

  • Ophiolitic chromitites from the Mercedita deposit (Cuba). Example of Al-rich chromites at the mantle-crust transition zone

    JA Proenza, F Gervilla, JC Melgarejo, D Reve, G Rodriguez

    Acta Geologica Hispanica 33 (1/4), 179-212, 1998

  • Las cromititas ofiolíticas del yacimiento Mercedita (Cuba). Un ejemplo de cromitas ricas en Al en la zona de transición manto-corteza

    JAP Fernández, FG Linares, JCM i Draper, D Revé, G Rodríguez

    Acta geológica hispánica 33 (1), 179-212, 1998

  • Una introducción a la metalogenia de Cuba bajo la perspectiva de la tectónica de placas

    JA Proenza, JC Melgarejo

    Acta geológica hispánica 33 (1), 89-131, 1998

  • Cromititas podiformes en la faja ofiolítica Mayarí-Baracoa (Cuba)

    JAP Fernández, JCM i Draper, FG Linares, W Lavaut, D Revé, ...

    Acta geológica hispánica 33 (1), 153-177, 1998

  • Mineralización de cromita en la faja ofiolítica Mayarí-Baracoa (Cuba). Ejemplo del yacimiento merceditas

    J Proenza

    Barcelona (España), 1997

  • Granates de la serie Grosularia-uvarovita en cromititas prodiformes del yacimiento Mercedita (Cuba)

    JA Proenza, JC Melgarejo i Draper

    Sociedad Geológica de España, 1996

  • Análisis tectono-sedimentario de la paleocuenca Sabaneta

    F Quintas-Caballero, JA Proenza-Fernández, JL Castillo-González

    Minería & Geología 12 (1), 3-8, 1995

  • Un nuevo enfoque sobre la geología de la parte sur de la cuenca Sagua de Tánamo

    JA Proenza-Fernández, NM Carralero-Castro

    Minería & Geología 11 (2), 3-10, 1994
