About me

I am a Professor in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Brcelona. Since 2019, I am the director of the consolidated research group Design and Optimization of Processes and Materials (DIOPMA). The group's orientation towards research and technology transfer led to its accreditation by TECNIO. My research initially focused on process kinetics, later expanding to include recycling, by-product reuse, and waste valorization. In 2008, I initiated research in materials for thermal energy storage at DIOPMA, supervising 12 doctoral theses and contributing to numerous R&D projects at national and international levels. This work has resulted in 175 articles in indexed journals, 15 patents, and over 140 conference presentations, with an h-index of 49 (Scopus). Since 2000, I have been actively involved in teaching Materials subjects. I have also held various university management roles, including Head of Studies for the Materials Engineering degree and Delegate of the Rector for knowledge transfer. Currently, I serve as the coordinator of the doctoral program in Engineering and Applied Sciences.


Published documents
Documents under review
External documents