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Collection of Fernando Salazar's contributions to congresses, mainly in the fields of dam engineering, numerical methods and hydraulic structures.

Documents published in Scipedia

  • (2018). Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance (RAILWAYS 2018))

    The development of high-speed train lines has increased significantly during the last decades leading to more demanding loads in railway infrastructures. Most of these infrastructures [...]

  • (2017). V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2017)

    Railway ballast is a layer of granular material that resists to vertical and horizontal loads, produced by the passing train over the rail. The calculation of this kind of [...]

  • (2016). European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering

    The development of high-speed train lines has increased during the last twenty years, leading to more demanding loads in railway infrastructures. For these reasons, the implementation [...]

  • (2017). V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2017)

    Some important infrastructures like roads, railway tracks or dams were constructed in places threatened by natural hazards. With the purpose of preserving these infrastructures [...]

  • (2011). Research Report, Nº PI357

    We present some developments in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for analysis of complex coupled problems in mechanics involving fluid-soil-structure interaction [...]

  • J. San Mauro, M. Toledo, F. Salazar, F. Caballero
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2019). Vol. 35, (1), 3

    Wedge shaped blocks spillways are an innovative solution that allows spilling over the downstream shoulder of earth and rock-fill dams in a safe way. However, they have been [...]

  • (2017). 14th International Benchmark Workshop on the Numerical Analysis of Dams. Stockholm, Sweden, 2017

    The static and seismic analysis of Janneh arch-gravity dam (157 m) is carried out by considering a combination of self-weight, hydrostatic, uplift and seismic loads. Linear [...]

  • (2015). IV International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES 2015)

    In the last two decades there has been a great development of high-speed train lines. This advance has led to more demanding loads in railway infrastructures and the appearance [...]

  • (2013). III International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES 2013)

    Landslides in reservoirs constitute one of the main threats to dams. Although they are not frequent, they may generate severe damages in the population and goods placed near [...]

  • (2017). 14th International Benchmark Workshop on the Numerical Analysis of Dams. Stockholm, Sweden, 2017

    Double curvature arch dams feature geometrical complexity with a significant amount of parameters involved. Different criteria exist to assist in the design task, from simplified [...]

Articles (Documents not available in Scipedia)

  • Development and validation of a multivariate predictive model for rheumatoid arthritis mortality using a machine learning approach

    José María Lezcano-Valverde, Leticia León, Esther Toledano, Juan Á. Jover, Benjamín Fernández-Gutiérrez, Eduardo Soudah, Isidoro González-Álvaro, Lydia Abásolo, Luis Rodríguez-Roderíguez

    Scientific Reports, volume 7, Article number: 10189 (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-10558-w

  • Interpretation of dam deformation and leakage with boosted regression trees

    F Salazar, MÁ Toledo, E Oñate, B Suárez

    Engineering Structures 119, 230-251, 2016

  • Corrigendum to “An empirical comparison of machine learning techniques for dam behaviour modelling”[Struct. Saf. 56 (2015) 9–17]

    F Salazar, MÁ Toledo, E Oñate, R Morán

    Structural Safety, 118, 2016

  • CFD analysis of flow pattern in labyrinth weirs

    F Salazar, J San Mauro, E Oñate, MÁ Toledo

    Dam Protections against Overtopping and Accidental Leakage, 287, 2015

  • Physical and numerical modeling for understanding the hydraulic behaviour of Wedge-Shaped-Blocks spillways

    FJ Caballero, F Salazar, J San Mauro, MÁ Toledo

    Dam Protections against Overtopping and Accidental Leakage, 193, 2015

  • Highly-converging chutes as an overtopping protection for concrete dams: physical and numerical modelling

    L Morera, J San Mauro, F Salazar, MÁ Toledo

    Dam Protections against Overtopping and Accidental Leakage, 245, 2015

  • Discussion on “Thermal displacements of concrete dams: Accounting for water temperature in statistical models”

    MÁT F. Salazar

    Engineering Structures, 2015

  • Data-Based Models for the Prediction of Dam Behaviour: A Review and Some Methodological Considerations

    F Salazar, R Morán, MÁ Toledo, E Oñate

    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-21, 2015

  • An empirical comparison of machine learning techniques for dam behaviour modelling

    RM F Salazar, MÁ Toledo, E Oñate

    Structural Safety 56 (doi:10.1016/j.strusafe.2015.05.0), 9-17, 2015

  • Modeling the hydraulic performance of the aeration system in dam bottom outlets using the particle finite element method

    D Pozo, F Salazar, MA Toledo


  • Procedimiento de diseño de protecciones tipo repié para evitar la rotura por deslizamiento en masa de presas de escollera sometidas a percolaciones extremas

    R Morán, R Alves, MÁ Toledo, A Larese De Tetto, F Salazar, R Rossi

    by: Marcombo, 2014

  • Protecciones de presas mediante repiés de escollera y bloques en forma de cuña

    R Moran, R Alves, MÁ Toledo, F Salazar, A Larese De Tetto, J San Mauro

    Jornada Técnica Avances en Investigación Aplicada en Seguridad Hidráulica de ..., 2013

  • Posibilidades de la ingeniería artificial en el análisis de auscultación de presas

    F Salazar, MA Toledo Municio, E Oñate Ibáñez

    III Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua 2, 381-388, 2013

  • Interpretación de los datos de auscultación de presas por métodos no convencionales

    MA Toledo Municio, F Salazar, R Moran Moya, L Morera González, A Roa, ...

    Red de Laboratorios de Hidráulica de España (RLHE), 2013

  • Protecciones de presas mediante repiés de escollera y bloques en forma de cuña

    R Moran, R Alves, MÁ Toledo, F Salazar, A Larese De Tetto, J San Mauro

    Jornada Técnica Avances en Investigación Aplicada en Seguridad Hidráulica de ..., 2013

  • Procedimiento de diseño de protecciones tipo repié para evitar la rotura por deslizamiento en masa de presas de escollera sometidas a percolaciones extremas

    R Moran Moya, RM Monteiro Alves, MA Toledo Municio, A Larese, ...

    Marcombo 2, 341-348, 2013

  • El papel de los modelos numéricos en la investigación y el diseño de aliviaderos de presas

    F Salazar, J San Mauro, J Irazábal, A Larese De Tetto, R Rossi, ...

    Red de Laboratorios de Hidráulica de España (RLHE), 2013

  • Protecciones de presas mediante repiés de escollera y bloques en forma de cuña

    R Moran Moya, RM Monteiro Alves, MA Toledo Municio, F Salazar, ...

    Red de Laboratorios de Hidráulica de España (RLHE), 2013

  • Modelación física y numérica de aliviaderos con cajeros altamente convergentes

    J San Mauro, F Salazar, R Rossi, E Oñate Ibáñez, L Morera González, ...

    Marcombo 1, 389-396, 2013

  • Analysis of the discharge capacity of radial-gated spillways using CFD and ANN–Oliana Dam case study

    F Salazar, R Morán, R Rossi, E Oñate

    Journal of Hydraulic Research 51 (3), 244-252, 2013


    F Salazar, R Morán, E Oñate, MA Toledo, FJ Riquelme, I Hidráulica

    4th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, 2012

  • Fluid-soil-structure interaction analysis with the particle finite element method

    MA Celigueta, SR Idelsohn, E OÒate, F Salazar, B Suarez

    Centre Internacional de MËtodes NumËrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2012

  • The particle finite element method: an effective numerical technique for solving fluid-soil-structure interaction problems

    MA Celigueta Jordana, F Salazar, B Suarez Arroyo

    Issues on mechanical and civil engineering: a symposium to honour professor ..., 2012

  • Modelación numérica de deslizamientos de ladera en embalses mediante el método de partículas y elementos finitos (PFEM)

    F Salazar, E Oñate, R Morán

    Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en ..., 2012

  • Estudio de la capacidad de desagüe de aliviaderos con compuertas mediante modelación numérica: aplicación a la presa de Oliana

    F Salazar, R Rossi, R Morán Moya, A Larese De Tetto

    Mcharly. com, 2011

  • Numerical modeling of landslides in reservoirs using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM)

    F Salazar, E Oñate, R Morán

    Risk Analysis, Dam Safety, Dam Security and Critical Infrastructure ..., 2011

  • Possibilities of the particle finite element method for fluid–soil–structure interaction problems

    E Oñate, MA Celigueta, SR Idelsohn, F Salazar, B Suárez

    Computational Mechanics 48 (3), 307-318, 2011
