
Dejan Brkić's personal collection contains his aricles published in the open access mode.

Documents published in Scipedia

Articles (Documents not available in Scipedia)

  • Discussion of “Friction modeling of flood flow simulations” by Vasilis Bellos, Ioannis Nalbantis, and George Tsakiris

    D Brkić, P Praks

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (5), article 07020007, 2020

  • Discussion of “Approximate analytical solutions for the Colebrook equation” by Ali R. Vatankhah

    D Brkić, P Praks

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (2), article 07019011, 2020

  • A possible publishing model profitable for authors

    D Brkić

    GRIN Verlag, 2019

  • Correction: Brkić, D., and Praks, P. Accurate and efficient explicit approximations of the Colebrook flow friction equation based on the Wright ω-function. Mathematics 2019, 7, 34

    D Brkić, P Praks

    Mathematics 7 (10), article 951, 2019

  • Discussion of “Economics and statistical evaluations of using Microsoft Excel Solver in pipe network analysis”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (3), article 07018002, 2018

  • Discussion of “Exact analytical solutions of the Colebrook-White equation”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ASCE 143 (9), article 07017007, 2017

  • Discussion of “Gene expression programming analysis of implicit Colebrook–White equation in turbulent flow friction factor calculation”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 124, 399-401, 2014

  • Discussion of “Method to cope with zero flows in Newton solvers for water distribution systems”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 140 (4), 456-459, 2014

  • Very accurate explicit approximations for calculation of the Colebrook friction factor

    Ž Ćojbašić, D Brkić

    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 67, 10-13, 2013

  • Discussion of “Sustainable electric power system: Is it possible? Case study: Croatia”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Energy Engineering 138 (3), 163-164, 2012

  • Discussion of “Jacobian matrix for solving water distribution system equations with the Darcy-Weisbach head-loss model”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 138 (11), 1000-1001, 2012

  • Discussion of “Water distribution system analysis: Newton-Raphson method revisited”

    D Brkić

    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 138 (9), 822-824, 2012

  • Can pipes be actually really that smooth?

    D Brkić

    International Journal of Refrigeration 35 (1), 209-215, 2012

  • Comparison of the Lambert W‐function based solutions to the Colebrook equation

    D Brkić

    Engineering Computations, 2012

  • Determining friction factors in turbulent pipe flow

    D Brkić

    Chemical Engineering N.Y. 119 (3), 34-39, 2012

  • Comments on "Experimental study of the pressure drop in the cathode side of air-forced open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cells"

    D Brkić

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (14), 10963-10964, 2012

  • Discussion of “Classroom activities to illustrate concepts of Darcy’s Law and hydraulic conductivity”

    D Brkić, V Mitrović

    Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 137 (1 …, 2011

  • Iterative methods for looped network pipeline calculation

    D Brkić

    Water Resources Management 25 (12), 2951-2987, 2011

  • An explicit approximation of Colebrook's equation for fluid flow friction factor

    D Brkić

    Petroleum Science and Technology 29 (15), 1596-1602, 2011

  • New explicit correlations for turbulent flow friction factor

    D Brkić

    Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (9), 4055-4059, 2011

  • Review of explicit approximations to the Colebrook relation for flow friction

    D Brkić

    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 77 (1), 34-48, 2011

  • Comments on “Settling velocities of particulate systems 15: Velocities in turbulent Newtonian flows”

    D Brkić

    International Journal of Mineral Processing 92 (3-4), 201-202, 2009

  • Serbian gas sector in the spotlight of oil and gas agreement with Russia

    D Brkić

    Energy Policy 37 (5), 1925-1938, 2009

  • An improvement of Hardy Cross method applied on looped spatial natural gas distribution networks

    D Brkić

    Applied Energy 86 (7-8), 1290-1300, 2009

  • Serbian, Russian pipeline accord enhances European gas security

    D Brkić

    Oil & Gas Journal 106 (48), 52-54, 2008

  • Systematic approach to natural gas usage for domestic heating in urban areas

    D Brkić, TI Tanasković

    Energy 33 (12), 1738-1753, 2008

  • Prirodni gas kao gorivo za grejanje

    D Brkić

    Zadužbina Andrejević, 2006

  • Određivanje graničnih parametara upotrebe prirodnog gasa u Beogradu

    D Brkić

    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geological Engineering, 2005
