Topic 2. Determinants of the macroeconomic context
The Catalan Input Output Framework (MIOC 2021) is drawn up on the basis of the European System of Accounts 2010 and aims to carry out a systematic and detailed description of the totality of an economy, its components and its relationships with other economies European guidelines allow methodological homogeneity and comparability of economic data on an international scale. In Spain, the INE only prepares the Input-Output Framework for the whole of Spain, which gives the MIOC 2021 a strategic character in the knowledge of the Catalan economy and constitutes the basis for the preparation of the economic accounting of Catalonia.
For the construction of the MIOC 2021 it has been necessary to define and implement a new edition of the Intermediate Consumption Survey for 2021 (ECI 2021), a fundamental tool for obtaining detailed information on companies with economic activity in Catalonia, especially in purchases, foreign services and investment and their geographical origin. Also, other sources are used, mainly structural surveys of companies, the INE 2021 Intermediate Consumption and Investment Survey, as well as administrative records and tax sources (form 347 and of the Immediate Supply of Information system). In some branches, such as agriculture, energy and those corresponding to non-market services, a specific treatment has been applied for this purpose.
This work aims to describe the main characteristics of the most relevant source for the construction of the MIOC 2021, that is, the ECI 2021. Specifically, it analyzes the sectorization of economic activity, the target sample, the process survey, the types and characteristics of the questionnaires used. At this point, particular emphasis is placed on the description of the type of information requested according to the type of questionnaire to be applied, taking into account whether the company is mono-sector or multi-sector and whether or not it has establishments outside Catalonia.
In this sense, it should be noted that Idescat has developed a specific application for the management of ECI 2021 fieldwork and the definition of questionnaires in electronic format. This application presents the information requested from the reporting units in a structured way by blocks and differentiated according to the type of questionnaire and the sector of activity, an aspect of particular relevance to facilitate the answer.
The adaptation of the questionnaires according to the company's branch of activity (135 different questionnaires), and the effort to detail the main purchases, adapted to each branch of activity, as well as other survey variables, have been keys for obtaining specific, detailed and quality information.