
60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures                (IASS Symposium 2019)

9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures        [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • A. Rosenberg, C. Hansson, C. Andrade
    (1990). Corrosion Rates of Steel in Concrete, ed. N. Berke, V. Chaker, and D. Whiting (West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International), 174-188.

    The corrosion of metals in concrete is a multibillion dollar problem which affects the construction, transportation, and many other industries. While much has been written [...]

  • C. Andrade, N. Rebolledo, F. Tavares, R. Pérez, M. Baz
    (2016). Marine Concrete Structures: Design, Durability and Performance, Chapter 15, pp. 429-458

    The Panama Canal, vital to international trade, connects the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, through the Gatun inland lake (which is almost entirely freshwater). The [...]

  • C. Andrade, S. García, L. Toro, M. Alonso, M. Castellote
    (2006). International RILEM-JCI Seminar on Concrete Durability and Service Life Planning: Curing, Crack Control, Performance in Harsh Environments

    Steel reinforcement remains passive until a certain amount of chlorides entry in contact with them. The corrosion develops in local areas and extends around depending on the [...]

  • C. Andrade, J. Gulikers
    (2006). 2nd International RILEM Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering, Publisher by RILEM Publications SARL

    Reinforced concrete structures may prove to be very durable; however their gradual degradation over time impairing both serviceability and structural safety is still a matter [...]

  • C. Andrade
    Concrete Research Letters (2010). Vol. 1 (2), pp. 73-80

    The design of concrete structures is usually made by means of a performance approach based on strength tests carried out following testing conditions agreed by convention. [...]

  • C. Andrade, P. Borralleras, H. Corres, S. Shah, P. Monteiro, J. Navarro
    (2009). Nanotecnología en el hormigón y hormigones autocompactantes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de la Construcció (EC),

    Dentro de las jornadas técnicas de la Cátedra de Innovación en Tecnología del Hormigón patrocinada por BASF, MOLINS y BEKAERT (Cátedra [...]

  • C. Gehlen, C. Andrade, M. Bartholemew, F. Papworth
    (2011). International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) Bulletin; Vol. 59

    For the ongoing condition assessment of concrete structures, it is necessary to identify the extent, nature, cause and prognosis of any deterioration using a range of tools [...]

  • J. Mier, G. Ruiz, C. Andrade, R. Yu, X. Zhang, M. Lukovic, E. Schlangen, G. Ye, B. Savija
    FranMCoS-8 (2013).

    Surface roughness of the existing concrete substrate was considered to have the greatest impact on the bond strength in repair systems. However, the influence of this parameter [...]

  • M. Prieto, P. Tanner, C. Andrade, M. Ruiz
    IABSE Symposium Report (2013). Vol. 99

    Corrosion can affect the bond between reinforcing bars and concrete and hence the transfer of longitudinal stresses. Although a number of experimental studies on bond failure [...]

  • J. Rodríguez, C. Andrade, D. Izquierdo, P. Tanner
    Hormigón y Acero (2014). Vol. 65 (272), pp. 123-132

    La corrosión de la armadura es uno de los problemas de mayor impacto económico en el ciclo de vida de las estructuras de hormigón por lo que es necesario [...]



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