
60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures                (IASS Symposium 2019)

9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures        [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • R. Lohner, J. Cebral, S. Appanaboyina
    Communications in numerical methods in engineering (2008). Vol. 24 (12), pp. 1611-1615

    A parabolic recovery procedure suited for shear stress and heat flux recovery on surfaces from linear element data is proposed. The information required consists of the usual [...]

  • R. Lohner
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (2008). Vol. 26 (5), pp. 628-636

    A renumbering strategy for field solvers based on unstructured grids that avoids memory contention and minimizes cache‐misses is described. Compared with usual colouring [...]

  • R. Tilch, A. Tabbal, M. Zhu, F. Decker, R. Lohner
    Engineering Computations (2008). Vol. 25 (1), pp. 28-41

    Body-fitted and embedded mesh techniques are combined to obtain accurate external aerodynamic solutions for realistic car geometries with minimal user intervention. The key [...]

  • H. Luo, J. Baum, R. Lohner
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2008). Vol. 73 (5), pp. 597-623

    Computation of compressible steady‐state flows using a high‐order discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is presented in this paper. An accurate representation of [...]

  • F. Perazzo, R. Lohner, L. Perez-Pozo
    Advances in Engineering Software (2008). Vol. 39 (3), pp. 156-166

    In this work, a posteriori error estimator and an adaptive refinement process for the meshless finite point method (FPM), which is based on point collocation, are presented. [...]

  • H. Luo, J. Baum, R. Lohner
    AIAA Journal (2008). Vol. 46 (3), pp. 635-652

    A p-multigrid (p=polynomial degree) discontinuous Galerkin method is presented for the solution of the compressible Euler equations on unstructured grids. The method operates [...]

  • F. Castelltort, E. Bladé, J. Balasch, M. Ribe
    Quaternary international (2020). Vol. 583, pp. 29-43

    The Ter River drains the south-eastern Pyrenees and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. A lithological constriction affects the normal water flow in the La Plana de Vic area. [...]

  • H. Roux, A. Amengual, R. Romero, E. Bladé, M. Sanz-Ramos
    Natural hazards and earth system sciences (2020). Vol. 20 (2), pp. 425-450

    This study aims at evaluating the performances of flash flood forecasts issued from deterministic and ensemble meteorological prognostic systems. The hydro-meteorological [...]

  • M. Sanz-Ramos, E. Bladé, A. Torralba, P. Oller
    Ingeniería del agua (2020). Vol. 24 (1), pp. 65-79

    La creciente preocupación por los riesgos naturales, como las avalanchas de nieve, ha propiciado el desarrollo de modelos numéricos ad hoc como una herramienta [...]

  • M. Sánchez-Juny, A. Triadú, A. Andreu, E. Bladé
    ACS Omega (2019). Vol. 4 (25), pp. 20987-20999

    Wastewater from a potash mine in the central region of Catalonia is transported by means of a collector that runs more than 100 km, spilling into the sea on the Catalan central [...]



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