Predicting the bearing capacity of resistance spot welds (RSW) during vehicle crash tests has become a crucial task for the automotive industry, since the recent introduction [...]
Proper generalized decomposition (PGD) is often used for multi-query and fast-response simulations. It is a powerful tool alleviating the curse of dimensionality affecting [...]
Architectured materials (or metamaterials) are constituted by a unit-cell with a complex structural design repeated periodically forming a bulk material with emergent mechanical [...]
We present a conceptual and numerical approach to model processes in the Earth’s interior that involve multiple phases that simultaneously interact thermally, mechanically [...]
This paper details a semi‐analytical procedure to efficiently integrate the product of a smooth function and a complex exponential over tetrahedral elements. These highly [...]
The parametric analysis of electric grids requires carrying out a large number of Power Flow computations. The different parameters describe loading conditions and grid properties. [...]
The identification of the geological structure from seismic data is formulated as an inverse problem. The properties and the shape of the rock formations in the subsoil are [...]