60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS Symposium 2019)
9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (Structural Membranes 2019)
The conference cover all aspects related to material, design, computation, construction, maintenance, history, environmental impact and sustainability of shell, spatial, tension and inflatable structures in all fields of application.
In addition to incorporating the Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), FORM and FORCE 2019 will be proposed as a Thematic Conference of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM).
(2016). Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, Cesar de Sa J. M. A., Neto E. S., Cardoso R. P. R., Adetoro O. B. (eds), Vol. 734 (3), pp. 032128
The solid-shells are an attractive kind of element for the simulation of forming processes, due to the fact that any kind of generic 3D constitutive law can be employed without any additional hypothesis.
The present work consists in the improvement of a triangular prism solid-shell originally developed by Flores. The solid-shell can be used in the analysis of thin/thick shell, undergoing large deformations. The element is formulated in total Lagrangian formulation, and employs the neighbour (adjacent) elements to perform a local patch to enrich the displacement field. In the original formulation a modified right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor (C) is obtained; in the present work a modified deformation gradient (F) is obtained, which allows to generalise the methodology and allows to employ the Pull-Back and Push-Forwards operations.
The element is based in three modifications: (a) a classical assumed strain approach for transverse shear strains (b) an assumed strain approach for the in-plane components using information from neighbour elements and (c) an averaging of the volumetric strain over the element. The objective is to use this type of elements for the simulation of shells avoiding transverse shear locking, improving the membrane behaviour of the in-plane triangle and to handle quasi-incompressible materials or materials with isochoric plastic flow.
Abstract The solid-shells are an attractive kind of element for the simulation of forming processes, due to the fact that any kind of generic 3D constitutive law can be employed without [...]
En aquest treball es descriu un mètode de generació de malles estructurades d'elements finits basat en imposar que les línies coordenades satisfacin una equació el·líptica, analitzant l'efecte de diferents termes amb les incògnites sense derivar d'aquesta equció sobre la malla resultant. Les equacions que cal resoldre es descrititzen en diferències finites, adaptant-hi les tècniques anomenades d'upwind pròpies del mètode dels elements finits. Es presenta també una tècnica de resolució del sistema algebraic d'equacions resultant.
Abstract En aquest treball es descriu un mètode de generació de malles estructurades d'elements finits basat en imposar que les línies coordenades satisfacin [...]
Se presenta en el trabajo una panorámica de los modelos más recientes para evaluar la resistencia última de estructuras de hormigón en masa y armado. Se presta especial atención al modelo de daño, descubriéndose varios ejemplos de aplicación de este modelo.
Abstract Se presenta en el trabajo una panorámica de los modelos más recientes para evaluar la resistencia última de estructuras de hormigón en masa y armado. [...]
The trading and investment decision processes in financial markets becomes ever more dependent on the use of valuation and risk models. In certain, cases such as risk management, modelling practice has become so homogeneous that one is led to ask about the effect this has on the price formation process. Furthermore, should stable price patterns emerge from this, can sophisticated investors who have private information about the use and characteristics of these models make superior gains? The aim of this article is to test this hypothesis in a stylised market environment, where a strategic trader who trades on information about the valuation and risk management models used by competitors. Results show that for our particular market setting, such a strategy has an advantage over those that do not use this information.
Abstract The trading and investment decision processes in financial markets becomes ever more dependent on the use of valuation and risk models. In certain, cases such as risk management, [...]
This paper reviews briefly the formulations used over the last 40
years for the solution of problems involving tensile cracking, both with
the discrete and smeared crack approaches. The paper focuses in the
smeared approach, identifying as its main drawbacks the observed
mesh-size and mesh-bias spurious dependence when the method is
applied “straightly”. A simple isotropic local damage constitutive
model is considered, and the (exponential) softening modulus is regularized
according to the material fracture energy and the element
size. The continuum and discrete mechanical problems corresponding
to both the weak discontinuity (smeared cracks) and strong discontinuity
(discrete cracks) approaches are analyzed and the question of
propagation of the strain localization band (crack) is identified as the
main difficulty to be overcome in the numerical procedure. A tracking
technique is used to ensure uniqueness of the solution, attaining the
necessary stability and convergence properties of the corresponding
discrete finite element formulation. Numerical examples show that the
formulation derived is well posed, stable and remarkably robust. As
a consequence, the results obtained do not suffer from spurious meshsize
or mesh-bias dependence, comparing very favorably with those
obtained with other fracture and continuum mechanics approaches.
Abstract This paper reviews briefly the formulations used over the last 40
years for the solution of problems involving tensile cracking, both with
the discrete and smeared crack [...]