60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS Symposium 2019)
9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (Structural Membranes 2019)
The conference cover all aspects related to material, design, computation, construction, maintenance, history, environmental impact and sustainability of shell, spatial, tension and inflatable structures in all fields of application.
In addition to incorporating the Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), FORM and FORCE 2019 will be proposed as a Thematic Conference of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM).
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2012). Vol. 69 (10), pp. 1614-1632
This article presents a novel shock-capturing technique for the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. The technique is designed for compressible flow problems, which are usually characterized by the presence of strong shocks and discontinuities. The inherent structure of standard DG methods seems to suggest that they are especially adapted to capture shocks because of the numerical fluxes based on suitable approximate Riemann solvers, which, in practice, introduces some stabilization. However, the usual numerical fluxes are not sufficient to stabilize the solution in the presence of shocks for large high-order elements. Here, a new basis of shape functions is introduced. It has the ability to change locally between a continuous or discontinuous interpolation depending on the smoothness of the approximated function. In the presence of shocks, the new discontinuities inside an element introduce the required stabilization because of numerical fluxes. Large high-order elements can therefore be used and shocks captured within a single element, avoiding adaptive mesh refinement and preserving the locality and compactness of the DG scheme. Several numerical examples for transonic and supersonic flows are studied to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach.
Abstract This article presents a novel shock-capturing technique for the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. The technique is designed for compressible flow problems, which are usually [...]
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2012). Vol. 71 (6), pp. 737-755
Discontinuous Galerkin methods have emerged in recent years as an alternative for nonlinear conservation equations. In particular, their inherent structure (a numerical flux based on a suitable approximate Riemann solver introduces some stabilization) suggests that they are specially adapted to capture shocks. However, numerical fluxes are not sufficient to stabilize the solution in the presence of shocks. Thus, slope limiter methods, which are extensions of finite volume methods, have been proposed. These techniques require, in practice, mesh adaption to localize the shock structure. This is is more obvious for large elements typical of high-order approximations. Here, a new approach based on the introduction of artificial diffusion into the original equations is presented. The order is not systematically decreased to one in the presence of the shock, large high-order elements can be used, and several linear and nonlinear tests demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology.
Abstract Discontinuous Galerkin methods have emerged in recent years as an alternative for nonlinear conservation equations. In particular, their inherent structure (a numerical flux [...]
Oberwolfach Reports (2012). Vol. 9 (1), pp. 485-487
The talk covered several issues motivated by a practical engineering wave propagation problem: real-time evaluation of wave agitation in harbors. The first part, presented the application of a reduced order model in the framework of a Helmholtz equation with non-constant coefficients in an unbounded domain. This problem requires large numbers of degrees of freedom (ndof) because relatively high frequencies with small (compared with the domain size) geometric features must be considered
Abstract The talk covered several issues motivated by a practical engineering wave propagation problem: real-time evaluation of wave agitation in harbors. The first part, presented [...]
Traditionally, Simulationbased Engineering Sciences (SBES) made use of static data inputs to perform the simulations. Namely parameters of the model, boundary conditions, etc. were traditionally obtained by experimentation and could not be modified during the course of the simulation. More recently, large efforts have been invested in developing dynamic datadriven application systems (DDDAS): systems in which measurements and simulations are continuously influencing each other in a symbiotic manner. It should be understood that measurements should be incorporated in real time to the simulations, while simulations could eventually control the way in which measurements are done.
Abstract Traditionally, Simulationbased Engineering Sciences (SBES) made use of static data inputs to perform the simulations. Namely parameters of the model, boundary conditions, [...]
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2012). Vol. 213-216, pp. 29-41
Dynamic Data-Driven Application Systems—DDDAS—appear as a new paradigm in the field of applied sciences and engineering, and in particular in Simulation-based Engineering Sciences. By DDDAS we mean a set of techniques that allow to link simulation tools with measurement devices for real-time control of systems and processes. In this paper a novel simulation technique is developed with an eye towards its employ in the field of DDDAS. The main novelty of this technique relies in the consideration of parameters of the model as new dimensions in the parametric space. Such models often live in highly multidimensional spaces suffering the so-called curse of dimensionality. To avoid this problem related to mesh-based techniques, in this work an approach based upon the Proper Generalized Decomposition—PGD—is developed, which is able to circumvent the redoubtable curse of dimensionality. The approach thus developed is composed by a marriage of DDDAS concepts and a combination of PGD “off-line” computations, linked to “on-line” post-processing. In this work we explore some possibilities in the context of process control, malfunctioning identification and system reconfiguration in real time, showing the potentialities of the technique in real engineering contexts.
Abstract Dynamic Data-Driven Application Systems—DDDAS—appear as a new paradigm in the field of applied sciences and engineering, and in particular in Simulation-based [...]
Archives of Comp. Meths. Engng. (2011). Vol. 18 (4), pp. 441-484
The development of NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM) is revisited. This technique allows a seamless integration of the CAD boundary representation of the domain and the finite element method (FEM). The importance of the geometrical model in finite element simulations is addressed and the benefits and potential of NEFEM are discussed and compared with respect to other curved finite element techniques.
Abstract The development of NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM) is revisited. This technique allows a seamless integration of the CAD boundary representation of the domain [...]
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2011). Vol. 88 (12) pp. 109-125
This paper presents the extension of the recently proposed NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) to 3D domains. NEFEM is able to exactly represent the geometry of the computational domain by means of its CAD boundary representation with non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) surfaces. Specific strategies for interpolation and numerical integration are presented for those elements affected by the NURBS boundary representation. For elements not intersecting the boundary, a standard finite element rationale is used, preserving the efficiency of the classical FEM. In 3D NEFEM special attention must be paid to geometric issues that are easily treated in the 2D implementation. Several numerical examples show the performance and benefits of NEFEM compared with standard isoparametric or cartesian finite elements. NEFEM is a powerful strategy to efficiently treat curved boundaries and it avoids excessive mesh refinement to capture small geometric features.
Abstract This paper presents the extension of the recently proposed NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) to 3D domains. NEFEM is able to exactly represent the geometry of the [...]
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2011). Vol. 87 (8), pp. 719-734
Several finite element techniques used in domains with curved boundaries are discussed and compared, with particular emphasis in two issues: the exact boundary representation of the domain and the consistency of the approximation. The influence of the number of integration points on the accuracy of the computation is also studied. Two-dimensional numerical examples, solved with continuous and discontinuous Galerkin formulations, are used to test and compare all these methodologies. In every example shown, the recently proposed NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) provides the maximum accuracy for a given spatial discretization, at least one order of magnitude more accurate than classical isoparametric finite element method (FEM). Moreover, NEFEM outperforms Cartesian FEM and p-FEM, stressing the importance of the geometrical model as well as the relevance of a consistent approximation in finite element simulations.
Abstract Several finite element techniques used in domains with curved boundaries are discussed and compared, with particular emphasis in two issues: the exact boundary representation [...]
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2010). Vol. 64 (5), pp. 549-564
An interior penalty method and a compact discontinuous Galerkin method are proposed and compared for the solution of the steady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Both compact formulations can be easily applied using high-order piecewise divergence-free approximations, leading to two uncoupled problems: one associated with velocity and hybrid pressure, and the other one only concerned with the computation of pressures in the elements interior. Numerical examples compare the efficiency and the accuracy of both proposed methods.
Abstract An interior penalty method and a compact discontinuous Galerkin method are proposed and compared for the solution of the steady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. [...]
Engineering with computers (2010). Vol. 26 (3), pp. 327-337
This paper presents a new algorithm to generate hexahedral meshes in extrusion geometries. Several algorithms have been devised to generate hexahedral meshes by projecting the cap surfaces along a sweep path. In all of these algorithms the crucial step is the placement of the inner layer of nodes. That is, the projection of the source surface mesh along the sweep path. From the computational point of view, sweep methods based on a least-squares approximation of an affine mapping are the fastest alternative to compute these projections. Several functionals have been introduced to perform the least-squares approximation. However, for very simple and typical geometrical configurations they may generate low-quality projected meshes. For instance, they may induce skewness and flattening effects on the projected discretizations. In addition, for these configurations the minimization of these functionals may lead to a set of normal equations with singular system matrix. In this work we analyze previously defined functionals. Based on this analysis we propose a new functional and show that its minimization overcomes these drawbacks. Finally, we present several examples to assess the properties of the proposed functional.
Abstract This paper presents a new algorithm to generate hexahedral meshes in extrusion geometries. Several algorithms have been devised to generate hexahedral meshes by projecting [...]