
60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures                (IASS Symposium 2019)

9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures        [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • P. Trinchero, X. Sánchez-Vila, N. Copty, A. Findikakis
    Ground water (2008). Vol. 46 (1), pp. 133-143

    A novel methodology for the interpretation of pumping tests in leaky aquifer systems, referred to as the double inflection point (DIP) method, is presented. The method is [...]

  • X. Sánchez-Vila, D. Fernández
    Enseñaza de las ciencias de la Tierra (2007). Vol. 15 (3), pp. 250-255

    Water is scarce, and thus must be managed adequately in order to satisfy the global demand within a water resources integral planning. Management can act either on offer or [...]

  • M. Willmann, J. Carrera, X. Sánchez-Vila, E. Vázquez-Suñé
    Hydrogeology Journal (2007). Vol. 15 (5), pp. 833-842

          Recovery tests are based on estimating transmissivity, T, from the heads that rebound after pumping has stopped. Recovery tests [...]

  • M. Simoni, X. Sánchez-Vila, M. Saaltink
    Water Resources Research (2007). Vol. 43 (7), pp. 1-10

    Chemical reactions are driven by disequilibrium, which is often caused by mixing. Therefore quantification of the mixing rate is essential for evaluating the fate of solutes [...]

  • E. Abarca, J. Carrera, X. Sánchez-Vila, C. Voss
    Journal of Hydrology (2007). Vol. 339 (3-4), pp. 118-129

    The seawater intrusion process is characterized by the difference in freshwater and seawater density that causes freshwater to float on seawater. Many confined aquifers have [...]

  • X. Sánchez-Vila, M. Dentz, L. Donado
    Geophysical research letters (2007). Vol. 34 (10), pp. 10404

    Chemical reactions are driven by non‐equilibrium and can be fully described by the spatio‐temporal distribution of the reaction rate. We present an analytical approach [...]

  • E. Abarca, J. Carrera, X. Sánchez-Vila, M. Dentz
    Advances in Water Resources (2007). Vol. 30 (4), pp. 913-926

    The Henry problem has played a key role in our understanding of seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers and in benchmarking density dependent flow codes. [...]

  • X. Sánchez-Vila, D. Tartakovsky
    Water Resources Research (2007). Vol. 43 (3), pp. 1-5

    Standard interpretations of pumping tests in heterogeneous formations rely on effective representations of porous media, which replace spatially varying hydraulic properties [...]

  • V. Zavala-Sánchez, M. Dentz, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Advances in Water Resources (2007). Vol. 30 (5), pp. 1342-1354

    We investigate effective solute transport in a chemically heterogeneous medium subject to temporal fluctuations of the flow conditions. Focusing on spatial variations in the [...]

  • M. Dentz, D. Tartakovsky, E. Abarca, A. Guadagnini, X. Sánchez-Vila, J. Carrera
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2006). Vol. 561, pp. 209-235

    We review the state of the art in modeling of variable-density flow and transport in porous media, including conceptual models for convection systems, governing balance equations, [...]



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