
60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures                (IASS Symposium 2019)

9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures        [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • M. Rahbaralam, D. Fernàndez-García, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Journal of computational physics (2015). Vol. 303, pp. 95-104

    Random walk particle tracking methods are a computationally efficient family of methods to solve reactive transport problems. While the number of particles in most realistic [...]

  • N. Ahmad, A. Wörman, A. Bottacin-Busolin, X. Sánchez-Vila
    International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (2015). Vol. 42, pp. 672-689 (preprint)

    One concern regarding the underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is its potential leakage from reservoirs. Over short period of time, the leakage risk is related mainly [...]

  • T. Dutta, A. Carles-Brangari, D. Fernàndez-García, S. Rubol, J. Tirado-Conde, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Journal of Hydrology (2015). Vol. 527, pp. 151-159 (Preprint)

    Vadose zone oxygen dynamics control all subsurface redox reactions and play a decisive role in maintaining groundwater quality. Although drying and wetting events are common [...]

  • E. Siirila-Woodburn, D. Fernàndez-García, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Water Resources Research (2015). Vol. 51 (6), pp. 4574-4591

    While particle tracking techniques are often used in risk frameworks, the number of particles needed to properly derive risk metrics such as average concentration for a given [...]

  • D. Fernàndez-García, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Water Resources Research (2015). Vol. 51 (4), pp. 3166-3180

    The often observed tailing of tracer breakthrough curves is caused by a multitude of mass transfer processes taking place over multiple scales. Yet, in some cases, it is convenient [...]

  • A. Freixa, S. Rubol, A. Carles-Brangari, A. Butturini, X. Sánchez-Vila, A. Romaní
    Science of the total environmental (2015). Vol. 540, pp. 20-31 (preprint)

    Water flowing through hyporheic river sediments or artificial recharge facilities promotes the development of microbial communities with sediment depth. We performed an 83-day [...]

  • E. Siirila-Woodburn, X. Sánchez-Vila, D. Fernàdez-García
    Water Resources Research (2015). Vol. 51 (4), pp. 2128-2152

    The analysis of breakthrough curves (BTCs) is of interest in hydrogeology as a way to parameterize and explain processes related to anomalous transport. Classical BTCs assume [...]

  • S. Armengol, X. Sánchez-Vila, A. Folch
    Journal of Hydrology (2014). Vol. 517, pp. 889-900

    We introduce a methodology to include uncertainty into DRASTIC (Aller et al., 1987), the most commonly used method to define aquifer vulnerability. For this purpose, [...]

  • V. Velasco, I. Tubau, D. Gaitanaru, E. Vázquez-Suñé, R. Gogu, M. Alcaraz, A. Serrano-Juan, D. Fernàndez-García, T. Garrido, J. Fraile, X. Sánchez-Vila
    Computers & Geosciences (2014). Vol. 70, pp. 164-180

    A software platform (QUIMET) was developed to improve the sorting, analysis, calculations, visualizations, and interpretations of hydrogeochemical data in a GIS environment. [...]

  • M. Riva, X. Sánchez-Vila, A. Guadagnini
    Water Resources Research (2014). Vol. 50 (6), pp. 5298-5308

    We derive analytical relationships between the spatial covariance of the (natural) logarithm of hydraulic conductivity (K) and that of representative soil particle sizes and [...]



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