About me

Antonio González is PhD in Advanced Chemistry (Complutense University of Madrid). He is a Materials Engineer and Technical Engineer in Industrial Design, as well as a "Highly Specialized Master in Plastics and Rubber".

He currently works as polymer characterization specialist in AIMPLAS (Plastics Technological Centre, Valencia), providing customer service at a national and international level, as well as participating in different internal projects (especially in mechanical characterization and identification of materials in the areas of new materials, recycling, technical and automotive products).

Previously, he developed his research career at CSIC' Institute of Polymer Science and Technology in Madrid, where he worked mainly with shape memory elastomeric materials. He also carried out a research stay at the Institute of Physics of the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.

After that period, he worked for 3 years as a researcher and professor in the materials science and engineering department of Rey Juan Carlos University. During that stage, he taught more than 800 hours in official undergraduate and master's courses in subjects such as Materials Science, Manufacturing Processes or Food Packaging and Preservation, among others.

In his research field, he is an expert in the development of smart and multifunctional polymers, the study and characterization of the structure-property relationship of both thermoplastic polymers and crosslinked networks, as well as the search for new applications based on reinforcement through the introduction of (nano)particles in polymeric matrices.


Published documents
Documents under review
External documents