About me

Aflizal (Izal) Arafianto is a lecturer and practical geotechnical engineer, currently working as a lecturer at Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) in Bandung, West Java – Indonesia. At present, he continues his doctoral study in Civil Engineering at The University of Western Australia under the supervision of Prof. Barry Lehane and Prof. Phillip Watson, specialising in Geotechnical Engineering.

He received a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia, in 2016. In early 2019, he obtained a master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering from the same university. Before joining the engineering faculty of UNPAR, he worked as a geotechnical engineer in a local consulting company, PT Geotechnical Engineering Consultant. He has more than six years of experience in geotechnical engineering design. He is also a certified geotechnical engineer (Ahli Geoteknik Madya) from the Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering (HATTI). His primary research of interest includes in-situ testing, numerical modeling, pile foundations, and slope stability & monitoring.


Published documents
Documents under review
External documents