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Numerical Modeling and Simulation are increasingly used as a complementary tool to Experimental Modeling and Analysis and as a design or certification tool in engineering applications. However, after more than thirty years of scientific investigation around Adaptive Modeling and [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • A. Sibileau, A. García-González, F. Auricchio, S. Morganti, P. Diez
    Computational Mechanics (2018). (Preprint) Vol. 62 (4), pp. 871-891

    Architectured materials (or metamaterials) are constituted by a unit-cell with a complex structural design repeated periodically forming a bulk material with emergent mechanical [...]

  • B. Oliveira, J. Afonso, S. Zlotnik, P. Diez
    Geophysical Journal International (2018). (Preprint) Vol. 212 (1), pp. 345-388

    We present a conceptual and numerical approach to model processes in the Earth’s interior that involve multiple phases that simultaneously interact thermally, mechanically [...]

  • P. Diez, S. Zlotnik, A. Huerta
    Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. (2017). (Preprint) Vol. 326, pp. 223-240

    Design optimization and uncertainty quantification, among other applications of industrial interest, require fast or multiple queries of some parametric model. The Proper [...]

  • R. Hospital-Bravo, J. Sarrate, P. Diez
    Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2017). (Preprint) Vol. 111 (8), pp. 703-723

    This paper details a semi‐analytical procedure to efficiently integrate the product of a smooth function and a complex exponential over tetrahedral elements. These highly [...]

  • R. García-Blanco, D. Borzacchiello, F. Chinesta, P. Diez
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2017). Vol. 111 (6), pp. 529-552

    The parametric analysis of electric grids requires carrying out a large number of Power Flow computations. The different parameters describe loading conditions and grid properties. [...]

  • K. Serafin, B. Magnain, E. Florentin, N. Parés, P. Diez
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2017). (Preprint) Vol. 110 (5), pp. 440-466

    This work focuses on providing accurate low-cost approximations of stochastic finite elements simulations in the framework of linear elasticity. In [E. Florentin, P. Diez, [...]

  • M. Signorini, S. Zlotnik, P. Diez
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2017). (Preprint) Vol. 109, (8), pp. 1085-1102

    The identification of the geological structure from seismic data is formulated as an inverse problem. The properties and the shape of the rock formations in the subsoil are [...]

  • Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2017). (Preprint) Vol. 313 (1), pp. 785-816

    This paper presents a new methodology to compute guaranteed upper bounds for the energy norm of the error in the context of linear finite element approximations of the reaction-diffusion [...]

  • R. García-Blanco, P. Diez, D. Borzacchiello, F. Chinesta
    International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) (2016). (preprint) pp, 1-6

    This paper presents an “offline-online” strategy for optimal allocation and sizing of Distributed Generation. In traditional optimization approaches, each function [...]

  • F. Chinesta, P. Diez, D. Borzacchiello, M. Malik, R. García-Blanco
    Electric Power Systems Research (2016). (Preprint) Vol. 140, pp. 201-208

    This paper illustrates the construction of a new class of iterative solvers for power flow calculations based on the method of Alternating Search Directions. This method is [...]
