Documents published in Scipedia

  • A. Zu, M. Yue
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2023). Vol. 39, (2), 25

    This study investigates a retailer's ordering strategy under the framework of the economic order quantity (EOQ) model. A supplier offers a retailer a disposable coupon [...]

Articles (Documents not available in Scipedia)

  • Joint ordering policy for a conditional trade credit model with two retailers

    Zhen Zhang; Songtao Zhang

    Zhang, Z., Zhang, S-T. and Yue, M-S. (2022) Joint ordering policy for a conditional trade credit model with two retailers, European J. Industrial Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.398–417.

  • Deterrence Effect of Risk Aversion Information Sharing on Supplier Encroachment

    Zhen Zhang; Songtao Zhang

    Yue, M., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., 2022. Deterrence effect of risk aversion information sharing on supplier encroachment. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 169, 108246.

  • Joint pricing and replenishment policies for risk-averse retailers under duopolistic competition

    Zhen Zhang; Songtao Zhang

    Zhang, Z., Zhang, S., & Yue, M. (2021). Joint pricing and replenishment policies for risk-averse retailers under duopolistic competition. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(7), 1849–1864
