Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental la publicación anual de artículos académicos en cuatro campos bien delimitados:
Periodismo (prensa escrita y medios digitales)
Relaciones Públicas
Comunicación audiovisual
Los artículos también pueden enfocarse en aspectos sociológicos, antropológicos, lingüísticos y tecnológicos relacionados con los medios de comunicación, su impacto en la sociedad, así como en la palabra del mensaje mediático.
Correspondencias y Análisis tiene como objetivo contribuir con la difusión de la producción científica de los comunicadores sociales, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, brindándoles mayor visibilidad. Mediante la indización, se busca configurar la revista como una fuente importante de consulta global, dirigida a los estudiantes y profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas.
Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental [...]
This article considers that the social function of journalism is based on the belief in the journalistic objectivity, true illusio which involves a set of explicit and implicit rules that structure and define this social game. For this reason, we propose to investigate the processes of socialization and subjectivation that imply the incorporation of the belief in the journalistic objectivity and a series of mechanisms intended for production. In this sense, and since we postulate the need to reinstate the agent of the practices, in theoretical methodological link the perspective of relational sociology with the journalistic experiences reconstructed on the basis of the experiences of the journalists interviewed in our research.
Abstract This article considers that the social function of journalism is based on the belief in the journalistic objectivity, true illusio which involves a set of explicit and implicit [...]
The present work approaches the way in which Cognitive Linguistics addresses the issue of the body in relation to language, which is understood as a correlate of thought. One of the axes of language addressing that characterizes this theoretical approach is the notion of conceptual metaphor postulated by Lakoff and Johnson (2001). These authors conceive metaphor as a phenomenon of thought that is reflected in language, is omnipresent in everyday life and allows the structuring of experience. The experience to which they refer is essentially corporal. The influence of body experience in conceptualizing is called embodiment or embodied mind (Lakoff, 1987: 12).
Abstract The present work approaches the way in which Cognitive Linguistics addresses the issue of the body in relation to language, which is understood as a correlate of thought. [...]
This paper details thematic, as well as style and graphic language in Público newspaper's covers (October 2007 - June 2008). We assume that poster design in Público covers, during the cited period, exploited many visual resources (familiar with publications aimed to young readers and users of portable technologies and multimedia) and helped to canalize a systematic critic to “conservative” political sectors in Spain, underlining the “progressive” nature of this newspaper.
Abstract This paper details thematic, as well as style and graphic language in Público newspaper's covers (October 2007 - June 2008). We assume that poster design in Público [...]
The report “Journalism’ students in Chile: Perception of the profession, their future work field and the performance of the media” (Mellado & cols., 2015), which includes their perspective about career field, evaluation and use of the media, threats and future of journalism, and ethics, among others, is the starting point of an exploratory investigation to account the ethical perception of journalism students, against controversial practices and their relation to join the labor market. Based on the analysis, getting deeper in the findings of this report and the contrast with the curricula of the participating journalism schools, the students’ vision is extrapolated from the reality observed in their first professional experience, based on the perception of the media editors. In this way, this report tries to determine how the student’s ethical perception is put to the test in his first professional experience.
Abstract The report “Journalism’ students in Chile: Perception of the profession, their future work field and the performance of the media” (Mellado & cols., [...]