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COMPLAS 2021 is the 16th conference of the COMPLAS Series.


Documents published in Scipedia

  • E. Barreira, R. Almeida, M. Pais
    DBMC 2023.

    In 2015, the European Commission adopted a Circular Economy Action Plan to stimulate the transition of European countries towards the circular economy. In the 2030 Agenda, [...]

  • Z. Li, Y. Huang, Z. Liao
    DBMC 2023.

    In view of time-consuming and expensive for the long-age mechanical property test of hydraulic concrete, the change rule for the mechanical properties of hydraulic concrete [...]

  • R. Wen, Q. Zeng, B. Gao
    DBMC 2023.

    Carbonation of concrete generally leads to decalcification of calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) and generation of calcium carbonate (CC), however, the structure and mechanical [...]

  • J. Xi, Y. Takahashi, Y. Kawabata
    DBMC 2023.

    The aim of this study is to comprehensively investigate the relationship between 3- dimensional crack development and mechanical degradation during Freeze-thaw cycles (FTC). [...]

  • Y. Zhang, F. Ren, C. Zhou
    DBMC 2023.

    Concrete materials and structures are neither totally saturated nor dry, making the efficient capillary absorption of water deserve much attention. Basically, absorption of [...]

  • Z. Li, K. Li, J. Wang, L. Li
    DBMC 2023.

    It is widely acknowledged that ultrasonic technology provides a considerable detection approach while describing the internal fractures in concrete, which is a serious issue [...]

  • M. Mahdi, F. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, N. Islam
    DBMC 2023.

    This study evaluates the flexural strength and ductility of one-way concrete slab panels reinforced with deformed bar and welded wire under the application of pure bending. [...]

  • L. Huang, L. Tang, Z. Yang
    DBMC 2023.

    Chloride ingress in the field structure is influenced by many factors. A non-destructive monitoring is a useful tool for assessing the health of reinforced structures. This [...]

  • F. Zhang, S. Yang
    DBMC 2023.

    Alkali-activated concrete (AAC), which exhibits good mechanical strength and chemical resistance properties, has attracted emerging interest from the research perspective [...]

  • O. Olajide, M. Nokken, L. Sanchez
    DBMC 2023.

    Alkali Silica reaction has been a great menace to the durability of concrete infrastructure since its discovery. The mechanism is caused by the reaction between poorly crystallized [...]



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