COMPLAS 2021 is the 16th conference of the COMPLAS Series.
The COMPLAS conferences started in 1987 and since then have become established events in the field of computational plasticity and related topics. The first fifteen conferences in the COMPLAS series were all held in the city of Barcelona (Spain) and were very successful from the scientific, engineering and social points of view. We intend to make the 16th edition of the conferenceanother successful edition of the COMPLAS meetings.
The objectives of COMPLAS 2021 are to address both the theoretical bases for the solution of nonlinear solid mechanics problems, involving plasticity and other material nonlinearities, and the numerical algorithms necessary for efficient and robust computer implementation. COMPLAS 2021 aims to act as a forum for practitioners in the nonlinear structural mechanics field to discuss recent advances and identify future research directions.
COMPLAS 2021 is the 16th conference of the COMPLAS Series.
N. Shahmansouri, H. Cheong, A. Tessier, A. Butscher
In kinematic mechanism synthesis, the goal is to find the optimal configuration and parameters of a mechanism system that produces desired mechanical performance such as motion or force. For a problem involving a complex set of requirements, the optimal system often comprises of many mechanism components, known as Mechanical Building Blocks (MBBs). For example, a complex power transmission system is created with a series of gears, shafts, belts, etc. During the search for an optimal system, the algorithm must be able to evaluate the perfor mance of a candidate system made up of an arbitrary collection of building blocks. To address this challenge, we propose modular modelling of the MBBs that can be composed on-the-fly as a system of equations to be solved. This approach is largely based on multidisciplinary design optimization framework, where the model is composed by considering all relevant disciplines simultaneously to find an optimal solution. In this work, we present the first set of MBBs modelled so far, and three use cases where these building blocks are automatically composed to create a complex mechanism system and analyzed to find the optimal parameters of the system. Our approach is implemented using Dymos, which employs modular analysis and unified derivatives (MAUD) for computing the total derivatives out of the partial derivatives of individual building blocks for gradient-based optimization and a direct collocation method for integrating the kinematic equations. In sum mary, our work demonstrates the value of the multidisciplinary design optimization approach in solving a mechanism synthesis problem
Abstract In kinematic mechanism synthesis, the goal is to find the optimal configuration and parameters of a mechanism system that produces desired mechanical performance such as motion [...]
This contribution introduces a method for goal-oriented and global reanalysis. It allows the prediction of changes in selected quantities of interest by using the changes in the primal and dual so lutions resulting from structural modifications (e.g., changes in shape, topology, or material properties). Theapproach uses a goal-oriented method that includes both primal and dual problems. In particular, this method is easy to integrate into existing finite element programs because it does not require derivatives with respect to design variables
Abstract This contribution introduces a method for goal-oriented and global reanalysis. It allows the prediction of changes in selected quantities of interest by using the changes [...]
This work investigates various elastoplastic material models in topology optimiza tion. A novel topology optimization framework using the level-set method and COMSOL Multi physics is proposed to handle the complexities introduced by nonlinear material behaviors. This method broadens the range of applicable plasticity models and streamlines nonlinear analysis in topology optimization.
Abstract This work investigates various elastoplastic material models in topology optimiza tion. A novel topology optimization framework using the level-set method and COMSOL Multi [...]
The UAV market is currently very populated, driving the manufacturers to design more efficient solutions to obtain a competitive edge. A cost-effective approach is to improve ex isting products using new technologies and design tools. This work addresses the desire of a UAV manufacturer to develop a growth version of an existing Medium-Altitude Medium-Endurance (MAME) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). To that end, the aerostructural optimization of the wing is performed using coupled high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD). Gradient-based optimization fed with derivatives of functions of interest computed using the adjoint method are used for computational efficiency. The coupled problem is posed in the aerostructural optimization framework, targeting for max imum aircraft range, being the solution a result of the concurrent discipline analyses. The set of design variables include wing twist distribution, using the free-form deformation approach, material thicknesses and carbon fibre orientations. The optimized wing geometry exhibits a gain of 5% in aircraft range, with 2% better aerodynamic efficiency (L/D) and 63% wing weight reduction. The impact of multilayer composite manufacturing constraints, namely adjacency of ply angles in neighbouring regions and the orthogonality between ply angles, was found not to be significant. The studies identified weaknesses of the baseline wing and provided meaningful engineering insights for the next generation MAME UAV design
Abstract The UAV market is currently very populated, driving the manufacturers to design more efficient solutions to obtain a competitive edge. A cost-effective approach is to improve [...]
El fort impacte demogràfic a curt termini derivat dels augments del nombre de persones grans i de l’esperança de vida planteja un escenari sense precedents pel que fa al finançament de les depeses que requereixen les persones més grans, amb dependència. En aquests darrers anys de la vida cal fer front a un augment molt important de les despeses, que no es poden assumir amb els ingressos recurrents de les pensions. Aquest fet, conjuntament amb la manca de previsió individual i les limitacions de les administracions per donar aquesta cobertura, plantegen la necessitat de cercar noves alternatives. La proposta plantejada en aquest treball consisteix en una innovació que pot ajudar a donar sostenibilitat al sistema, ja que un elevat percentatge dels ciutadans disposen d’un habitatge en propietat susceptible de facilitar la liquiditat necessària mitjançant l’avançament de lloguers per fer front al pagament de les despeses de la dependència.
Abstract El fort impacte demogràfic a curt termini derivat dels augments del nombre de persones grans i de l’esperança de vida planteja un escenari sense precedents [...]