COMPLAS 2021 is the 16th conference of the COMPLAS Series.
The COMPLAS conferences started in 1987 and since then have become established events in the field of computational plasticity and related topics. The first fifteen conferences in the COMPLAS series were all held in the city of Barcelona (Spain) and were very successful from the scientific, engineering and social points of view. We intend to make the 16th edition of the conferenceanother successful edition of the COMPLAS meetings.
The objectives of COMPLAS 2021 are to address both the theoretical bases for the solution of nonlinear solid mechanics problems, involving plasticity and other material nonlinearities, and the numerical algorithms necessary for efficient and robust computer implementation. COMPLAS 2021 aims to act as a forum for practitioners in the nonlinear structural mechanics field to discuss recent advances and identify future research directions.
COMPLAS 2021 is the 16th conference of the COMPLAS Series.
As ships operate under sea wave conditions most of time, it is desirable to consider the wave effect on propeller performance and cavitation safety in the propeller design process. In this work, unsteady cavitation simulations are carried out on a five-bladed propeller of KRISO container ship in calm water and regular waves of five different headings. Bare-hull simulations are made for estimating nominal hull wake fields by URANS solver. Cavitation simulations are made on the propeller and rudder by DES with a cavitation model and an Eulerian multiphase flow model. Nominal hull wake is numerically modelled in cavitation simulations as a propeller inflow instead of including a hull model. The maximum cavity area on the suction side of the blade is increased by 19 – 32% for beam, stern-quartering and following sea waves compared to calm water mostly due to the stronger axial hull wake. As the sheet cavity is more extended, tip vortex cavitation is intensified especially for stern-quartering and following waves. The maximum cavity area is on a similar level with less than 3% differences for head and bow waves as for calm water. The CFD investigation shows that hull wake differs depending on the wave direction and it can lead to significant changes in cavitation safety.
Abstract As ships operate under sea wave conditions most of time, it is desirable to consider the wave effect on propeller performance and cavitation safety in the propeller design [...]
The aim of the current paper is to evaluate the cavitation erosion on a Delft twisted hydrofoil using a coupled Euler-Lagrange methodology. The transport equation modelling approach is introduced to handle the macroscopic liquid-vapor mixture, which is regarded as a homogeneous continuum. The Keller-Herring equation and bubble motion equation are used to track the bubble's dynamics and trajectory. A two-way coupling method is employed to describe the interaction between the mixture and bubbles. A newly developed Lagrangian erosion model is used to assess the cavitation erosion on the hydrofoil. The numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental test data. The statistical results reveal the evolution characteristics of cavitation erosion. The relationship between macroscopic cavitation structure and potential erosion sensitive zone indicates the cavitation erosion intensity at different stages of cloud cavitation. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanism of cavitation damage from a multi-scale perspective.
Abstract The aim of the current paper is to evaluate the cavitation erosion on a Delft twisted hydrofoil using a coupled Euler-Lagrange methodology. The transport equation modelling [...]