Inhomogeneous essential boundary conditions must be carefully treated in the formulation of Reduced Order Models (ROMs) for non-linear problems. In order to investigate this [...]
In the present work an implementation of the Back and Forth Error Compensation and Correction (BFECC) algorithm specially suited for running on General-Purpose Graphics Processing [...]
The latest generation of the particle finite element method (PFEM-2) is a numerical method based on the Lagrangian formulation of the equations, which presents advantages [...]
This paper presents a high performance implementation for the particle-mesh based method called particle finite element method two (PFEM-2). It consists of a material derivative [...]
This work is devoted to the simulation by finite elements of nearly incompressible inviscid flows in real 3D geometries, by means of an Euler code based on the SUPG (streamline [...]
The rise of GPUs in modern high-performance systems increases the interest in porting portion of codes to such hardware. The current paper aims to explore the performance [...]