About me

  • Teaching: As an instructor in the field of computational mechanics, being a good teacher is of fundamental importance. My teaching philosophy can be summarized in the following; a) Teach quality over quantity,b) Bring an added dimension to lectures, c) Emphasis on practical engineering problems, d) Good teaching for all.
  • Research: My research is motivated by the challenge of modeling, rigorously analyzing and implementing methods for the numerical simulation of diverse and highly complex physical phenomenon. During my doctoral studies I have focused on advanced finite element techniques, such as : Meshless methods, for the simulation of metal forming operations (including visco-plasticity, thermal softening, fracture and crack propagation, etc). Presently, my primary focus has been in the developing of isogeometric approaches and model order reduction methods in both computational solid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics. In addition, I have also been working in the area of modeling nano-composites.


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