The crimping of electrical terminals is a forming mechanical process that allow joining connectors to the end of electrical conductors. This process is largely used in the connectors industry, however the knowledge of its mechanical principles still be much discuss. This theory gap is due, probably, to the complexity of the problem. In this work, was looked for advance in the comprehension of this process by means of the development of a General Predictive Equation, that calculates the punch force in the crimping final moment. The methodology used consisted in the development and calibration the model of the crimping process in a Finite Element software, selection of the more influents parameters in the punch force, and development and validation of the General Predictive Equation. The results showed that Plain Stress configuration is the best representation of two dimensions model of crimping process and that only 9 (nine) variables of this model showed relevant to compose the equation. It is concluded also that the development of the General Predictive Equation to calculate punch force is viable, but, it is necessary increases the accuracy of the calculus yet. It is desired that the knowledge generated in this study already allow reduce costs of development and of production of crimped terminals.
Abstract The crimping of electrical terminals is a forming mechanical process that allow joining connectors to the end of electrical conductors. This process is largely used in the [...]