research experience

  • Lecture Civil Engineering (Harer - Ethiopia)

    Started: 2019-09-01 - Finished: 2021-05-14

    Reserch on short term aging and waste engine oil rejuvenation

teaching experience

  • Lecturer Civil Engineering (Harer - Ethiopia)

    Started: 2016-08-01 - Currently working.

    Lecturing, Advising, research and department coordination


  • Vehicle Engineering Jiangsu University / 江苏大学 (Jiangsu - China)

    Started: 2021-03-01 - Currently studying.

  • Road and transportation engineering (Addis Ababa - Ethiopia)

    Started: 2017-10-01 - Finished: 2021-11-01

  • Civil Engineering (Harer - Ethiopia)

    Started: 2010-10-01 - Finished: 2016-07-01

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

  • Profesional Engineer

    Consulting, ssupervision, design and construction of diffrent civil engineering infrastructures

skills & expertise