André Conde Vázquez received his Degree in Civil Engineering from University of A Coruña (2014) completing one of the years at the University of Krakow (Poland). He fulfilled the Master of Civil Engineering Research (University of A Coruña, 2015) specializing in hydraulics and civil engineering computing. For six years he worked as a research engineer at University of A Coruña (GEAMA) participating in projects related to computational hydraulics as well as numerical modelling and computer design of hydraulic infrastructures.
He has been working for CIMNE-Madrid since March 2018 in projects related to construction technology of hydraulic infrastructures, machine learning, numerical modelling and analysis of structural behaviour of dams based on statistical analysis. In total, he is co-author of two articles in indexed journals, one academic book, one patent and eight conference contributions. He has participated in a total of 14 R+D+i projects, of both national and international scope, five of them financed in competitive calls of administrations or public entities.