C. Sastre Jurado, B. Stuyts*
This paper presents the implementation into the open-source finite element simulation framework OpenSees of the new Unified CPT-based method for driven piles in sands. The formulation incorporates the maximum skin friction and endbearing CPT values based on the new ISO-19901-4 under development, within the non-linear load-transfer curves calibrated against the measured responses from the static pile tests in the unified database. Special attention was paid to maintaining an open-source philosophy during the implementation. The important EURIPIDES research tests in highly dense sands are considered as a worked example to illustrate the application of the implemented method. The numerical benchmark shows good agreement between the model and full-scale measurements.
Published on 06/06/24Submitted on 06/06/24
Volume Data-driven site characterization, 2024DOI: 10.23967/isc.2024.237Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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