
Unified formulation to solve fluid-structure interaction and multi-fluids problems are gaining popularity in many engineering applications, in particular for material forming processes. Indeed, it simplifies different issues related to mesh generation and boundary conditions and increases the flexibility to deal with multiscale problems.

We propose in this work a monolithic formulation where the complete problem is written in a fully Eulerian framework and the phases (fluid, solid,…) are separated by a level set function. The obtained system is solved using stabilized finite element methods. We combine this approximation with time-dependent anisotropic mesh adaptation to ensure accurate capturing of the discontinuities at the interfaces.

Different use of the levelset function ranging from, grain growth models for the evolutions of microstructure or void disclosure induced by forming operations, to the heat treatment of immersed metallic-alloys inside three-dimensional industrial furnaces will be presented. The advantages and the encountered numerical issues as well as the ongoing investigations related to these formulations will be discussed.

Recording of the presentation

Location: San Servolo Complex.
Date: 18 - 20 May 2015, San Servo Island, Venice, Italy.

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Published on 30/06/16

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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