
In this work three constitutive contact models that include softening are adopted for particle model fracture studies in both rock and concrete. For a single local contact, the constitutive contact model performance is initially compared in tensile, pure shear and shear tests under constant axial. Additionally, compression, direct tensile, and confined triaxial tests of quasi-britlle material discretized with spherical particles are presented and the predicted macroscopic response is compared. For a single local contact, the three contact models predict a similar behaviour. As shown, it is possible to calibrate each contact model to reproduce complex macroscopic behaviour observed in rock and concrete, but each contact model requires different contact properties or particle generation procedures

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Published on 23/11/23
Submitted on 23/11/23

Volume Fracture and Fragmentation With DEM, 2023
DOI: 10.23967/c.particles.2023.020
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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