
This scientific report presents a study conducted by the Research Center for Social and Political Monitoring of the RANEPA Institute for Social Sciences. The relevance of research. Protecting the public health is a priority of state policy. The quality of life of citizens, their labor potential, and the health of future generations depend on the state of health. The pandemic has changed the habitual way of life for the Russians, as it affected their ideas on how to maintain their health, exacerbated the contradiction between the values of a healthy lifestyle and the actual behavior of the citizens. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly diagnose the current situation in the sphere of self-preservation behavior of Russians. The goal of the study is to identify, analyze and evaluate changes in the key behavioral practices of various social and demographic groups of the Russian population aimed at improving the state of health; to assess the priority areas of state policy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population. The object of the study is the behavioral practices of various social and demographic groups of the Russian population related to healthy lifestyles. The main research method is an all-Russian sociological survey based on a sample representing the territorial distribution of the Russian population, the ratio of residents in different types of settlements, as well as the main socio-demographic groups, and comparing the results with the results of earlier surveys. Based on the results of the study, this paper presents an analysis of changes in the main behavioral practices of various social and demographic groups of the Russian population, aimed at improving the state of public health. The study allows us to draw the following conclusions. Despite an increase in the demand for qualified medical care in case of a discomfort or illness, self-treatment remains a common practice. There is still a significant number of citizens who are deprived of necessary medical services and medicines due to a lack of money or the unavailability of suitable medical professionals in their area of residence. Most of the respondents believe that they have a healthy lifestyle, but over the past year, the proportion of citizens with this point of view does not show positive dynamics. Meanwhile, these statements by the respondents tend to differ from the actual behavior practice. Some of them, despite classifying themselves as leading a healthy lifestyle, continue smoking or using alcohol regularly. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it seeks to obtain up-to-date sociological information about the health condition of citizens in a changing epidemiological and socio-economic situation, the impact of various behavioral practices on their physical and social well-being. Recommendations based on the results of the study are related to the need to adjust management decisions related to promoting a healthy lifestyle of the population based on the findings of the study.

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Published on 26/04/23
Submitted on 18/04/23

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