
The main objective of the LIGHTRANS project is the design and development of lightweight multi-material structures, through the development of optimized and low-cost manufacturing and joining processes. Which should allow its application in eco-efficient road transport vehicles. More specifically, within the framework of this project, the redesign  of a bus superstructure as well as an electric three-wheeled  vehicle will      be developed. Within the LIGHTRANS project, due to the needs of the market, it is proposed to strategically combine materials of different nature in such a way that the resulting structures present a weight reduction but without affecting the properties of the final components. The multimaterial structurals developed within the framework of the project, for both study cases, are based on thermosetting and thermoplastic compounds, cellular polymers and steel. Throughout this article, the mechanical characterization of the materials used for the manufacture of the components of both study cases, the manufacture of all the proposed components, as well as the evaluation of each of them in the final structures through tests will be presented. field.

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Published on 22/01/22
Accepted on 22/01/22
Submitted on 22/01/22

Volume 06 - AEMAC en PROYECTOS EUROPEOS (2022), Issue Núm. 1 - Monográfico Proyectos Europeos, 2022
DOI: 10.23967/r.matcomp.2022.01.009
Licence: Other

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