
Wind energy remains the second most important source of power generation in Europe in 2019. This energy capacity is generated by wind turbines which have a lifespan of 20-25 years. The amount of blades produced by dismantling of wind farms will increase over time, which is going to be a major environmental problem because currently the out of use blades are going to landfill. For example, in 2025 it is expected that 500,000 tons of blade waste will be generated in Europe, which represents 324,738 tons of glass fibre. The objective of this study has been to design, build and optimize an innovative mechanical recycling prototype with a capacity of 100 kg/h to enhance the glass fibre that make up the wind turbine blades, favoring the recovery of this waste in order to reduce its presence in landfills and giving them a second life cycle for an application with high added value. To demonstrate the usefulness of these glass fibers, they have been incorporated into asphalt agglomerate, building a 1500 meter road demonstration section, which has been monitored for a year to study the improvement of its mechanical properties, the most important being an increase in the useful life of the pavement, an increase in its resistance, and an improvement in its acoustic qualities. Through all these objectives, the life cycle of this waste will be closed, providing great added value to both the waste and the resulting new product.

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Published on 22/01/22
Accepted on 21/12/21
Submitted on 21/12/21

Volume 06 - AEMAC en PROYECTOS EUROPEOS (2022), Issue Núm. 1 - Monográfico Proyectos Europeos, 2022
DOI: 10.23967/r.matcomp.2022.01.005
Licence: Other

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