
Fibre-reinforced composite materials can withstand large number of loading cycles compared to traditional materials. However, predicting the damage progress and strength loss in a composite structure due to fatigue is difficult because of the complex interaction of different failure mechanisms. This work investigates the decrease in the stiffness and strength in a high-performance undirectional CFRP laminate subjected to on-axis fatigue loads. A stiffness-based phenomenological model is proposed in order to evalute the damage growth due to fatigue through the longitudinal stiffness degradation. Assuming that the laminate ultimate strain is independent of the distributed damage caused by fatigue, the residual strength model can be deduced, or its integral form, the S-N curve. Thanks to this assumption, the residual stiffness model is related to the residual strength model, and thus it has reduced the experimental characterization of phenomenlogical-based approaches. The accuracy of the model is verified by comparing the experimental data against the derived S-N curves.

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Published on 14/10/18
Accepted on 14/10/18
Submitted on 14/10/18

Volume 02 - Comunicaciones Matcomp17 (2018), Issue Núm. 4 - Comportamiento en servicio de los materiales compuestos (2), 2018
DOI: 10.23967/r.matcomp.2018.10.020
Licence: Other

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