
One of the advantages of resin transfer moulding (RTM) is the ability to manufacture in one single step (one-shot) integrated structures having complex geometries resulting in a lower number of parts and reduced assembly costs. However, the design and optimization of the process and the associated tooling can be particularly challenging. This paper presents the approach for the production of a stiffened aircraft door structure using a single shot RTM process In this case, the simulation of the process is a necessary step to accelerate and reduce the cost of the development phase, providing rapid solutions for testing the preliminary design options, as well as refined analysis for process and mould optimization, and final design checking. The processing development has consisted of a complete material characterization and modelling followed by mould filling and curing simulations with PAM-RTM software. The results have been used to optimize the design of the mould and the RTM manufacturing process parameters. The paper also presents the results of the manufacturing of prototype components that validated the design obtained by the analysis.

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Published on 15/07/18
Accepted on 15/07/18
Submitted on 15/07/18

Volume 02 - Comunicaciones Matcomp17 (2018), Issue Núm. 3 - Reciclaje y Sostenibilidad y Procesos de Fabricación I, 2018
DOI: 10.23967/r.matcomp.2018.07.015
Licence: Other

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