
This paper deals with the development of the FEM model of piezoelectric beam elements, where the piezoelectric layers are located on the outer surface of the beam core, which is made of functionally graded material. Subsequently, the FEM model created in this way is reduced by the so-called exact method, which is one of the MOR methods. Next MOR FEM equations are transformed into a state space model. Created state space model is connected to LQR controller and the reduced system is analysed. Developed FEM model, MOR technique, state space model and LQR control are implemented in FEM code MultiFEM.



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Published on 28/02/22
Accepted on 28/02/22
Submitted on 28/02/22

Volume IS22 - Plasticity Modelling, Parameter Identification and Applications to Forming Operations, 2022
DOI: 10.23967/complas.2021.047
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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