J. García-Espinosa, C. Soriano
This document presents the deliverable D8.1 – the Data Management Plan (DMP) of work package 8 of the prodPhD project. It aims to present the plan for the management, generation, collection, security, preservation and sharing of data generated through the prodPhD project. The DMP is a key element for organizing the project’s data. It provides an analysis of the data, which will be collected, processed and published by the prodPhD consortium. The project embraces the initiatives of the European Commission to promote the open access to research data, aiming to improve and maximize access to and reuse of research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects. In this sense prodPhD will adhere to the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD Pilot) fostered by the European Commission, and this DMP will be developed following the standards of data storage, access and management. This plan will detail what data will be generated through the project, whether and how it will be made accessible for the verification and reuse and how it will be curated and preserved. In this context, the term data applies to the information generated during the different experimental campaigns carried out in the project, and specifically to the data, including associated metadata, to be used to validate the computational models and the technical solutions to be developed in the project. This document is the first version of the DMP and may be updated throughout the project, if significant changes (new data, changes in consortium policies, changes in consortium composition, etc.) arise.
Published on 16/09/21
DOI: 10.23967/prodphd.2021.9.003Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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