W. Arias-Rojas, J. Córdoba-Maquilón, G. Hernández-Pérez
This research is the result of the analysis of drivers´ behavior in a controlled scenario, using a driving simulator, in which, by measuring brain waves, the degree of concentration was (measured when driving and through the use of networks neuronal and artificial intelligence, a model of behavior of drivers was proposed to be subjected to a distracting effect while driving, which allows analyzing the most relevant factors that are reflected in errors and bad practices at the time of driving. In this research it was determined a population sample of men and woman whose ages oscillate between 16 to 90 years, from a universe obtained from a database of fatalities for 7 years. A driving simulator was built, and it was using a software for the simulation that allows different driving scenarios. Finally, risk behaviors were classified to be a factor of distraction.
Published on 18/02/21Accepted on 18/02/21Submitted on 18/02/21
Volume 19-20, 2021Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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