
              <jats:sec>                 <jats:title>Background</jats:title>                 <jats:p>The intersection traffic signal control problem (ITSCP) has become even more important as traffic congestion has been more intractable. The ITSCP seeks an efficient schedule for traffic signal settings at intersections with the goal of maximizing traffic flow while considering various factors such as real-time strategies, signal timing constraints, rapid developments in traffic systems, and practical implementation. Since the factors constituting the ITSCP exhibit stochastically complicated interactions, it is essential to identify these factors to propose solution methods that can address this complexity and still be practically implemented.</jats:p>               </jats:sec>               <jats:sec>                 <jats:title>Objective</jats:title>                 <jats:p>The objective of this review is to provide a survey of problems, methods, and practices in the evaluation of the ITSCP. In this paper, a unified terminology for the ITSCP and a citation network of the current body of relevant research are accordingly presented, and various assumptions, constraints, and solution approaches are summarized. A review across the entire body of knowledge throughout the history of the ITSCP is therefore provided. This review also highlights open issues and challenges that remain to be addressed by future research.</jats:p>               </jats:sec

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Published on 01/01/2020

Volume 2020, 2020
DOI: 10.1186/s12544-020-00440-8
Licence: Other

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