R. Rodríguez, W. Ramirez-Martinez, V. Huérfano, C. Andrade, E. Machado
The M6.4 earthquake in January 7, 2020 in the Southwest of Puerto Rico caused damage to housing and buildings, and generated anxiety among the residents. The aftershocks were very active in the following months and are still felt, although with less intensity and frequency. A group of researchers from University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) took over the task of going to the communities that requested their visit to deliver informative talks about the events. These included information on the geology of the zone, details on the ground movements, Tsunami threats, the effects on the structures, what to expect in future events, and how to react to the strong ground movement. This article summarizes part of that group experience, including technical information about the earthquake and answers to some of the most commonly asked questions from the provided lectures.
Published on 05/02/21Accepted on 05/02/21Submitted on 05/02/21
Volume 19-20, 2021Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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