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Section G. TRANSPORT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES.; Environmental problems in Asian cities are more and more subject of international organisations and conference debates for the last decades. Strategies for sustainable urban development are discussed in international forums where urban transport system appears as one of the central issue. The SUSTRAN network (Sustainable Transport Action Network for Asia) is a good illustration of an international forum for promoting a more sustainable and people-centred urban transport. World Bank orientations and policies seems to follow a similar direction. A well documented research was recently made on key choices and policies in transport in nine cities on recent decades (Barter, 1999). Among Asian countries, since doi moi in the midst of 70's, Vietnam, Vietnam a fast urbanisation and a growing motorization in the large cities. Environmental issues appear as more and more important in this period of fast growth, deregulation, and market-oriented development. In 2000, a research project "Pollution of urban transport in Hanoi" from Ministry of Environment pointed out the worsening of Hanoi environment linked to increasing motorization.
For 1999 of a co-operation research programme between LET (Lyon) and CRURE (Hanoi) on urban transport and sustainable development of Hanoi This research is based both on household survey and Delphi survey Up to now, few household surveys have been done in Hanoi and their results remain unpublished by agencies or consultants. This paper presents some results of a household survey made in 3 districts of Hanoi in 1999. It is an opportunity to compare some results with outcomes of a previous survey done in Hanoi in 1995 (CUSSET, GODARD, HUONG, 1996).
Daily mobility, travel behaviour, modal choice according to distance, nature of activities to be done, depends from many socio-economic variables. In order to learn a lot about individual's travel behaviour, household surveys should bring insight on population the behaviour (motorised and not yet motorised) and on main obstacles to transfer towards public transport or/and non motorised transport.
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Published on 01/01/2003
Volume 2003, 2003
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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