
Component: 1.3.1 Develop and propose a conceptual methodology for transboundary MSP in the Northern Atlantic, with operational details on selected aspects Sub-component: Land Sea Interactions and Relationships with Integrated Coastal Zone Management The MSP Directive asks Member States to consider land-sea interactions (LSI) when establishing and implementing maritime spatial planning. The aim is to promote an integrated and strategic vision for MSP that is coherent with land use planning frameworks. This line of thinking is in consistency with other European processes, namely the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) recommendation, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), and the Water Framework Directive (WFD). In the scope of SIMNORAT project, land-sea interaction refers to a complex phenomenon relating to: • the natural processes across the land-sea interface; • the interactions between uses and activities at the sea and at the land, but also to their impacts on the quality or ecological dynamics of coastal and marine environments; • the governance arrangements in these interface and socio-ecological systems. Management of maritime uses/activities and marine resources cannot be dissociated from what happens in thecoastal zone, and vice versa. Many maritime uses need support installations on land. Some uses existing mostly on land (e.g., tourism, recreation, ports) expand their activities to the sea as well. These interactions need to be understood, in order to assess their individual and cumulative impacts and potential conflicts and synergies. For instance, maritime uses and activities may have negative impacts on coastal zone, as well as land-based uses and activities - in the coast or in the watershed - may have negative impacts on the marine environment. This report was produced as part of SIMNORAT Project (Grant Agreement N0. EASME/EMFF/2015/ Competition for maritime space – for renewable energy equipment, aquaculture and other uses – has highlighted the need to manage our waters more coherently. Maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activities at sea take place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way. That is why the European Parliament and the Council have adopted a legislation to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning in Europe. The Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (said Maritime Spatial Planning Directive) establishes a framework in order to reduce conflicts between sectors and create synergies between different activities, to encourage investment – by creating predictability, transparency and clearer rules, to increase cross-border cooperation – between EU countries to develop energy grids, shipping lanes, pipelines, submarine cables and other activities, but also to develop coherent networks of protected areas, and to protect the environment – through early identification of impact and opportunities for multiple use of space. The SIMNORAT project (Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Northern European Atlantic) is an EU/DG Mare co-funded cross-border project. It was launched on 1st of January 2017 and involves Portugal, Spain and France, while these countries had just designated their Competent Authorities and transposed the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive. SIMNORAT aims to support the implementation of the MSP Directive in the waters of Portugal, Spain and France, as well as to establish cross-border cooperation mechanisms between these Member States, to contribute to the coherence of their marine spatial plans to be established in 2021. The action ran until 31st of January 2019 and was based on a partnership of public bodies of the countries and one international organisation. It was composed of UAVR, CEDEX, IEO, AFB, CEREMA, Shom, and CPMR. Shom acted as coordinator. The objectives of the SIMNORAT project were addressed through a variety of activities and desktop or case studies. They are dedicated to identifying the methodology steps, and explore the challenges and opportunities of the MSP implementation in the Northern European Atlantic, including thus related to transboundary issues (Ecosystem based approach, marine policies, OSPAR Convention, Land Sea Interactions, geographical scale of the plans, data interoperability, tools to support MSP). The project led to a multiplicity of outputs including overviews of MSP relevant information related to the countries and on more focus areas, to a number of interviews and meetings where stakeholder views were collected to feed the reasoning, and to guidelines and good practices to be shared at a national and transnational level with marine stakeholders, scientific as well as planners, administrations and authorities. In addition, SIMNORAT permitted a lot of progression internally in the countries and regarding transboundary cooperation. It led to establish and develop new dialogues and to connect the technical or scientific actors, the stakeholders, the administrations of the countries of a same sea basin, and the administrations within the countries, including the representative of Regions. It allowed to better understand Maritime Spatial Planning mechanisms, to share knowledge and as such reached to build capacities, which is of importance as there is such a need in the Atlantic area compared to more Northern countries. The project also permitted to address topics which have never been addressed before. The involvement of France and Spain in SIMNORAT and in the EU-DG Mare sister projects SIMWESTMED and SIMCelt was useful for them to develop a global vision with their neighbours in the Western Mediterranean. At the end of this exercise, it is stated the need of pursuing the work and dialogue in particular through common tools, but at this stage, the SIMNORAT project has constituted a common knowledge and background. Disclaimer: The contents and conclusions of this report, including the maps and figures were developed by the participating partners with the best available knowledge at the time. They do not necessarily reflect the national governments' positions and are not official documents, nor data. The European Commission or Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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Published on 01/01/2019

Volume 2019, 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2594719
Licence: Other

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