Project manager Jesper H. Andersen This report contains, as said in the title, the supplementary material to the synthesis report from the ECOMAR project (2018- 2020). The supplementary material consists of three parts: 1) Annex A, being the data sets and layers dealing with human pressures and activities, 2) Annex B, being the data set related to ecosystem components and analogue data sets, and 3) Annex C, being additional data used for the mapping of potentially cumulative effects in Danish marine waters as well as maps of results mentioned, but not show in the synthesis report. For each data set, a specific reference to the data authoring organization as well as contact information for the Data Author. THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2020
Volume 2020, 2020
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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