
Flexible and economic systems for electric operation of road vehicles is an area of interest for researchand development. This report applies such systems to the operation of city buses in Linköping. An LTHdeveloped software for simulations and economic optimizations of such systems is used and a few systemdesigns are presented. The tested systems differ in selection of bus lines and the type of chargingsystem: bus stop charger, high power bus stop charger and electric road. An attempt to a realistic costand performance estimate of the main components is presented. All buses are assumed to operatewith the same time table as today. Under some of the assumptions these systems are shown to becost competitive to diesel and gas buses in addition to being quieter and without local pollution. Thisresult is however uncertain due to the difficulty in predicting the cost of new technologies and due toother sources of error such as error in assumed energy consumption.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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