
In the last decade, the constant air traffic growth has brought certain problems as well. While aircraft production and airline functioning are being stimulated by the competition, the situation in air traffic control and in infrastructure component is completely different. Air traffic management (ATM) is still owned by the state. The state, however, is known for the fact of not being a good manager and is solving problems slowly and not efficiently because of its large administration. There is a very strong trade union movement functioning in ATM system, which makes several rational decisions impossible. Critics of the current ATM system in Europe warn of increasing problems-delays and operational expenses. The control component is the only one among the four components of air traffic, which has not been liberalised and harmonised yet. There is no competition in the fields of air traffic. All matters are taken care of by CAA or by semi-private companies, owned by the state. According to air carriers which have to put in 4-9% of business expenses into terminal-and over-flights charges, these expenses are far too heavy a burden. Stalna rast zračnega prometa v zadnjih 10 letih prinaša tudi določene težave. Medtem ko proizvodnjo letal in delovanje letalskih prevoznikov stalno spodbuja konkurenca, je to na področju kontrolne komponente, v manjši meri pa tudi na področju infrastrukturne komponente, drugače. Službe zračnega prometa v celoti so navkljub nekaterim uspehom pri komercializaciji in privatizaciji še vedno večinoma v državni lasti. Država pa je dokazano slabši gospodar, saj zaradi prevelike administracije probleme rešuje počasneje in slabše. V službah zračnega prometa deluje zelo močno sindikalno gibanje, ki marsikatero racionalno odločitev in strateško usmeritev celo onemogoči. Kritiki sedanjega sistema služb zračnega prometa v Evropi svarijo pred naraščajočimi problemi, predvsem zamudami ter vedno večjimi operativnimi stroški opravljanja teh storitev. Navajajo, da od štirih stebrov zračnega prometa, le kontrolna komponenta še ni okusila liberalizacije in harmonizacije. Na področju služb zračnega prometa in konkurence, zadeve pa rešujejo državne ustanove (civilne letalske uprave) ali pa pol privatizirana podjetja, katerih lastnik je seveda država. Prevozniki, ki za preletne ter priletne takse namenijo 4-9% celotnih stroškov poslovanja, trdijo, da jim ta strošek pomeni preveliko finančno breme.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v14i2.849
Licence: Other

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