The 13th International Conference on Logistics in Agriculture, which has been organized by the Municipality of Sevnica, Grm Novo mesto - Biotechnology and Tourism Center, Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Landscape Governance College GRM, Cooperative Union of Slovenia has this year's central theme the role and importance of human resources in logistics in agriculture. The conference has become traditional and paves the way for a different view of logistics in connection with agriculture. That's why we have invited lecturers on the topic Electric vehicles in agriculture. 13. mednarodna konferenca Logistika v kmetijstvu, ki jo organiziramo ObÄina Sevnica, Grm Novo mesto â center biotehnike in turizma, Fakulteta za logistiko Univerze v Mariboru, Visoka Å¡ola za upravljanje podeželja GRM Novo mesto in Zadružna zveza Slovenije ima letoÅ¡njo osrednjo temo vloga in pomen ÄloveÅ¡kih virov pri logistiki v kmetijstvu. Konferenca je postala že tradicionalna in utira pot razliÄnim pogledom logistike v povezavi s kmetijstvom. Ravno zato imamo vabljenega predavatelja na temo ElektriÄna vozila v kmetijstvu.
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Published on 01/01/2019
Volume 2019, 2019
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-317-3
Licence: Other
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